"Do you like Y/N?" - Ch 12

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A/N: Well y'all seen the title, here's Chapter 12! Enjoy <3

Clint's POV
I decided I would speak to Nat about the Y/N situation while Tony and Strange were cooking since I had nothing else to do. I did my special knock that I do everytime so Nat knows it's me. She opened the door and invited me in. "What's up?" She asked. "Just wanna talk" I replied. "Okay, what is going on?" She asked. "Okay, well... I need to ask you something, and you have to promise not to get mad" I said. "You know I can't promise that" She replied. "Okay well I'm going to ask you anyway" I said. "Okay? What is it?" She asked. "Do you like Y/N?" I blurted out. "What!? Are you insane?? No of course I don't like Y/N and keep your voice down these walls are paper thin" She started getting defensive. "Okay, no need to get so defensive" I said. "If you don't like her why are you up here all day when you could be on the opposite side of the compound and also why did you get so defensive??" I questioned. "I didn't get defensive" She replied. I just gave her a look and she opened her mouth to say something but then closed it again at a loss for words.

"Oh my god, I like Y/N!" She whispered to me. "Mhm" I confirmed smugly. "And you knew?" She asked. "I think everyone knew except you and Y/N" I replied. "Oh shit, what am I gonna do?? She probably doesn't even like me back!!" She said while pacing the room. "I think you should talk to her" I suggested. "I can't do that she'll get suspicious" She replied. "Well it's better than doing nothing at all, you can't just keep your feelings bottled up all the time." I said. "Yes I can" She replied. "Okay, well maybe you CAN but that doesn't mean you SHOULD" I offered her my wisdom. "Yeah, you have a good point there" She said. "I'll think about it" She added. "Okay" I said. "By the way, dinner is probably ready by now, make sure Y/N knows" I said and left the room. "Can't you tell her?" She asked. "Nope" I shouted back.

Nat's POV
So I guess I like Y/N. I don't know how I didn't realise, I mean she's always on my mind even if it is thinking about her being annoying. I don't know what I'm going to do about it. She probably doesn't even like me back, why would she, I've always been so mean to her. I decided I would push it to the back of my mind for now and just think about it later. "Dinner's ready" I say as I walk past Y/N's door. I think she heard me so I just make my way down to the kitchen.

I heard mumbling coming from Natasha's room. I figured it was just Clint talking about something that I have absolutely no interest in but I got curious so I put my ear up to the wall. "I think you should talk to her" I heard Clint say. "I can't do that she'll get suspicious" Natasha replied. "Who are they talking about?" I thought to myself. There's only a few 'she's' in this building. Unless it's someone outside the building, it could be. "Well it's better than doing nothing at all, you can't just keep your feelings bottled up all the time" Clint pointed out. "Feelings? Are they talking about romantic feelings?" I thought to myself. I kinda wished they were and that it was me they were talking about but I pushed that to the back of my mind because there is no way in hell Natasha likes me. I'd had enough of listening to them, I didn't want to know about Natasha's crush so I just went back to my desk and started drawing. Drawing helps me take my mind off things.

After a few minutes I heard Clint go past shouting "Nope" for whatever reason. Then I heard Natasha shout "Dinner's ready" I'm guessing she was talking to me since I'm the only other one on this floor so I headed down to the kitchen. Everyone was already sat in their spots starting to eat so I went to the fridge to get a water and then sat down in my spot next to Natasha, I really didn't want to see her right now but apparently everyone else thought it would be a good idea for us to sit next to each other every day.

She was being weird, like really weird. She hadn't made a single remark since I sat down, not even when I was elbowing her which normally sets her off. It was strange not fighting for once, everything being calm and laughing without us fighting in the background. It was.... calming? I thought nothing of it, she was probably just thinking about something so I let her think and just ate and talked with the others. I saw Clint give her a few looks and she just shook her head, it was probably about what they were saying in her bedroom.

"Okay, what are you two giving eachother looks for?" I asked. "It's nothing" Natasha said. "Well it obviously isn't nothing otherwise you wouldn't be giving eachother looks" I replied. "I said it's nothing leave it alone!" She shouted and stormed out the room. "Really Y/N, you were doing so well not fighting with eachother" Steve said. "It's hardly my fault" I defended myself. "It kinda was" Wanda said. "Well thanks for having my back" I snapped. "Sorry, but you really didn't have to bring it up" She said. I just scoffed and went to my room.

I sat at my desk and finished off my drawing.

This is your drawing(sorry if you don't like it):

After finishing my drawing I just decided to go to sleep and get everything off my mind

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After finishing my drawing I just decided to go to sleep and get everything off my mind.

A/N: Y'all, I hit 1K, oml!!! I cannot thank you all enough, I really did not expect to get this many reads so thank you all and gave a blessed day/evening/night <3


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