One by One PT4

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"It's raining again today." Lunar pouted standing by his bedroom window. "I don't think kuru did this either." "Maybe it was mum?" Kori was sitting in lunars bed, drawing. The night before still scared them, but they figured she was just stressed from her sons death. Then again, she seemed so calm before. "Would we ask her? What's wrong I mean." "No I think we should just leave it alone." Lunar sighed and flopped down on his bed, making Kori mess up on his picture and whine. Lunar just laughed and apologized quietly. 

"Hey why don't we go out today? Out of this gloomy house." "And into the gloomy weather?" Kori laughed. "Sounds great!" Pushing the smaller boy down playfully lunar grinned. "But do you want to?" "Can Axis come?" Then he frowned, Lunar and Axis didnt get in well with eachother. But he shrugged, "I suppose." Kori grinned and ran out to the kitchen where Axis stood, leaning against the counter drinking a hot cup of coffee. His red hair spiky and still unnattended to. "Brother!" The small white haired boy grabbed Axis' hand and tried to pull him off to the door, but to no success, Axis was much stronger than he. "...what?" The word was spoken in a dull, bored voice, but it was curious as well. "We're going out! Lunar is taking us~" "who said I wanted to join?" Kori's smile faded and he looked down, letting go of Axis' hand. "Oh...sorry." There was a silence and Axis sighed, "Fine. Whatever." He slicked his hair back lazily, a few strands hanging down in his eyes and his hand met Kori's. "YAY~! It will be fun I promise!"

For a good 15 minutes Axis and Lunar glared at eachother, both holding one of Kori's hands letting the small boy skip in the middle. They walked to 3 different stores. Lunar had bought Kori an early birthday present which was already wrapped and he couldn't open it until that day. "Aw, boring!" Kori had whined and again, he was told to wait. Only 2 days.

It was 1:30 now they had been gone for 2 maybe three hours. With a sigh, Axis lit a cigarette and took a long drag, blowing the smoke away from the smaller boy. Kori hated it when Axis smoked. He hated the, smell the look, and everything about those death sticks. He looked up at the red pheasant with pleading eyes, eyes that begged him to put that damned thing out. Axis only took another long drag.

They were almost home when lunar noticed they were being followed. Two men with silver hair, dressed in black and blue, the same two men that had been in every store they had. As soon as they noticed the men, the chase was on. 

The men got closer and closer and safety seemed to get farther and farther away....

Lunar was falling behind, then there was a loud shot and lunar fell to his knees. A scream of pain and there was silence. Kori looked back in horror and called for his brother to get up and run, but Lunar couldn't hear him properly, he couldn't feel his lower half.

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