Isn't that the beauty of love?

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There ran Naruto in the middle of the streets. He new red coat was easily noticed by everyone who gasped as his sudden arrival. He didn't bother to talk back or say hi. He was deadset on where he was going and didn't want to get sidetracked. He had a promise to keep.


The small Naruto stood next to Jiraya as they both looked out. The saw what seemed like an endless road that would never end.

"Three years" Jiraya would say to reassure Naruto, who was impatient to rescue Sasuke.

Before they headed out, they said their goodbyes. Three years seemed long for some. Especially to one girl.

"Hey, when I get back, I'll take you on a date!"


"A date, you know"

The girl was blushing but kept her composure, hugging the blonde before he left.

"Three years" she repeated to herself for three years.


The door jingled. And Naruto walked inside the shop.

"Hey..." he spoke out to the girl in the counter.

The half asleep brunette slowly opened her eyes and went to speak. But as she realized who was standing in front of her, she stopped herself. Her eyes opened wide and her mouth dropped.

Three years.

She rubbed her eyes, thinking she might be hallucinating but it was real. There he stood infront of her.

"You're back" She finally spoke as she stood up from her chair. She walked around the counter and walked over to him.

"Back and here to take you up on my promise" He smiled, the brightness of it filled the room.

She hugged him. She was estactic to see him again and he even remembered what he after three years. She let out a small tears of happiness.

"I'm happy to see you again Naruto"

"I'm happy to see you too Tenten"

Naruto took her hand and walked her out of the shop and they both went straight to his favourite food restaurant. They ate, talked and laughed together. It was all she was waiting for and it was all he wanted. They smiled constantly throughout their date and held hands throughout it all. Everyone saw them, all happy together. Some still felt bitter about Naruto's existence but some were happy for him and the girl he was with. But they didn't exist to them. The new couple was living the moment and enjoying everyone second of it. It was worth the wait they told themselves in their minds as they walked around the streets and park.

"Was I really the first person you came to?" She asked as they both stared at the sunset.

"Yeah, you were"

She smiled and got closer to him.

"I always keep my word" he told her.

They stayed in a relaxing and calm silence. Sharing such a peaceful moment together as they, without words, confessed their feelings to each other. No one knows how their friendship and relationship started. Only him and her know. And isn't that the beauty of love?

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