The Fight

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Their eyes looked deeply into each other. Red eyes of bloodlust and the yellow eyes of nature.

Sasuke pulled out a scroll, unrolled it and summoned a new sword. He fiddled with the grip before putting himself into a defensive stance.

Naruto dust off some of the metal shards on his shoulder.


"Go heal Kakashi and Yamato, I got this. Thank you"

She nodded before running towards the hurt and unconscious sensei and anbu agent.

The moment she left, Naruto ran and quickly reached Sasuke.

He threw a right hook. Sasuke, lifting his arms and sword, blocked it. But his eyes saw something unexpected. The green aura that surrounded Naruto grew out and transformed itself into a fist. Before he could react, the green punch violently blew him right under his guard. Sasuke groaned as he stood back up from the blow.

Naruto hid his own groan.

Reaching inside his clothes, Sasuke pulled out and threw multiple kunais at Naruto. Naruto runs and dodges each other. But Naruto senses the metal string attached to each one. Some managed to cut him.

Sasuke preformed multiple hand sign at blazing speed. Electricity began to run inside the metal wires and inside the kunais. Holding the wires in his hands, Sasuke pulls the kunais back. Naruto, enduring the electric shocks, sensed the kunais coming back. He jumped back and over them, landing on the ground with ease. The kunai stopped dead at Sasuke's feet as he groans in anger. Naruto looks up to see his anger.

My back...

Naruto stood up quickly and went for the offensive. Now understand his technique, Sasuke is able to dodge and block Naruto's and his aura's punches. But everytime he blocked his punches, it still hurt and he couldn't last any longer. His speed was just the same and it was unexpected for him.

But he saw Naruto was slowing down more and more.

An opening was given to him. Sasuke, swiftly, kicked Naruto in the stomach. Sucking the hit and catching his leg, as a last resort, Naruto cocked his arm back and threw his punch straight to his face.

The punch connected.

Sasuke flew away and slide into the ground. He flew right at the edges of the burn downed forest.

But Naruto fell to his knees. His eyes turned back to normal and his world went back to normal. He fell face first on the grass, unconscious.

Sasuke stood up from the brutal punch. His face was scratched and puffed up. His white clothes were dirty and the purple rope around his waist untied itself and started to fall. He was tired. He saw Sakura looking right back him with a look of concern. She went to try to go after him but he ran away before she could stand up.

There stood Sakura, the only one awake.

A small tear fell down her cheek.

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