Special Eyes

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"Hmm, seems like someone has entered my forest."

"Four hm. This will be interesting"


Yamato and Kakashi crepted inside the forest, keeping their guard up for any trap or sudden change in scenery.

Naruto was behind them, his sensors up to their maximum ability whilst creeping slowly.

Sakura did the same, taking small shallow breaths.

"Yamato" Kakashi said, stopping his fellow anbu, raising his arm as he detected a tripwire.

They both stepped over it and disarmed it.


A massive explosion blew the two of them away and out of the forest. Covered in dirt and their ears ringing, they were defensless to do anything.

"Kakashi!" "Yamato" Naruto and Sakura screamed and ran towards them. But a dozen kunais flew down and stopped them dead in their tracks.

Red eyes appeared in the deeps of the forest. And blue electricity started to crackle.

"Sakura!" Naruto, understanding what was going on, grabbed Sakura and ran out of the forest.

Before she could say anything, the whole forest erupted into flames. Sakura, released from Naruto, went and checked on Kakashi and Yamato.

"They aren't dead but extremely hurt."

"Alright, start to heal them, I'll hold him off" Naruto ordered, as he bite his thumb and drew blood.

He drew a line underneath his eyes and a straight line down underneath each eye. On each line, her drew another three horizontal lines. Finishing, he closed his eyes and clapped his hands together, taking one big deep breath.

"Come on work this time, please-"

He couldn't finish his inner sentences before being choked and lifted up. As he opened eyes, he saw him. Those red eyes he remembered so vividly three years ago. A time where he thought he had died and was killed.



Naruto kicked himself away and jumped away from him. They both started an eye stared down. Naruto normal blue sky eyes shivered at the sight of the blood eyes of Sasuke.

Both at eye level, a strong wind came over them.

"What are you all doing here." Sasuke asked coldly.

"Here to take you back" Naruto stated.

"And you think you can do that?" Sasuke chuckled.

In a blink of eye, Sasuke was right infront of Naruto, resting his left arm on his right shoulder.

"I have to say, you don't look bad with that red coat of yours. Sadly, just a simple makeover isn't a enough"

Naruto closed his eyes. Sasuke began to unsheathe his sword.

"Sasuke!" Screamed Sakura, running straight to him and cocking her arm back to punching. He went to kick her away but Sakura dodge the kick and threw her punch at him.

Poof. A cloud of smoke engulfed him as her punch made contact. She made contact and a burnt log exploded. Sasuke jumped out and went to attack Sakura from behind. His eyes were red. His sword raised up high.

"Useless as ever." He stated clodly, dropping his sword down onto to her.

She wasn't quick enough to dodge and had no tool to block it.

As time slowed and the sword slowly began to reach her, Naruto opened his eyes.

The blood lines on his face disappeared. His eyes lids and around his eyes were bright orange. In a instance, he was right infront of Sakura. The sword hit Naruto shoulder. It shattered into millions of fragments.

"What-" Sasuke reacted, falling down and jumping away. He stared at his broken sword. He looked up and his eyes met a new pair.

A pair of yellow eyes. With a black horizontal rectangle as a pupil.

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