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"So let me get this straight. You trained with a bunch of frogs" Tenten started, closing her eyes and trying her best to understand what Naruto just explained to her.

"Mhm" Naruto answered, smiling at her confusion.

"And you just sat down and concentrated and now you can harness the power of natural chakra"


"But if you take too much, since you are not good at it yet, you can became a frog and then a frog statue"


"And this natural chakra can make you extremely strong and fast and your sensory abilities are even stronger too?"

"I failed to see where you find this weird Ten" He jokingly said.

"And all of this you learned through frogs??"



"You got something against frogs?"

Tenten just layed down on the grass and took in deep breaths.

"And here I thought putting giant spiky metal balls into small sheets of paper was weird" She chuckled at the ridiculous world she lived in.

Naruto laid himself back next to her and took her hand.

They both stared at the sky together. It had many big and pretty white clouds with such a vibrant blue sky behind them. They both smiled, tighten their hand grip.

"Shhh shut up they'll hear us" Kiba said, silencing everyone who was watching the couple sky watching.

They all stared in amazement seeing them holding each other's hands.

"Awwww how cute, I'm so happy for Tenten, she finally found someone" Ino spoke.

Naruto chuckled and so did Tenten.

"They do know I could detect people deep underground right?" He jokingly said to Tenten who chuckled back.

"Well it's surprisingly easy to forget that" she laughed.

They both stood up and ran the opposite direction from their watchers.

"Shit they are moving-" Kiba said, wanting to follow them but Sakura tightly grabbed his shoulder, throwing him down to the ground.

"How about we give them their personal space and privacy? I mean, Tenten hasn't seen him for three years" Sakura stated to everyone, who agreed. Kiba and Ino sighed in disappointment

Hinata stared at the couple running away. She sadly smiled. Happy and sadness mixing itself with a touch of jealousy.

"Hey Sakura" Shino said, walking closer and closer to the group.

"Oh hey Shino, how's it going?"

"Alright, Miss Hokage wants to see you and Naruto"

"Oh? Why?"

"They found him"

"Found who?" Kiba asked, as everyone stared at Shino waiting for his answer.

"They found Sasuke"

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