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"How is he!? Is he okay?!" Tenten screamed at the nurse as she busted through the hospital door.

Everyone else was waiting, concern all over their face.

Sakura, still dirty came down the corrido and looked at everyone.

"Kakashi and Yamato are fine. The explosion was big but not fatal. At the moment they are dazed and confused but not physical damage has been detected"

The Sensei breathed a sigh of relief to that news.

"And Naruto?" Tenten asked, almost screamed.

"Naruto finally woke up. His condition is concerning..." She stated.

"Why what happened?" Kiba asked.

"He fought Sasuke"

The silence fell upon everyone.

"Can we see him?" Tenten asked, her tone sad and concerned.

"Yeah...I think you can" Sakura said, waving her and everyone who wanted to see him to follow her.

They reached a certain door that Sakura stopped at. She softly knocked three times.

"Naruto?" She asked through the door.

"You can come in" He spoke out.

Sakura slowly opened the door and everyone walked in one by one.

By the window, there sat up Naruto. His face was slightly bandaged. When he fell first, some of the still remaining sword fragments were on the grass and pierced his skin. His right arm was in an arm casquette. He turned and greeted everyone with his usual bright smile. But this one showed some of his pain, both physically and mentally.

"Hey guys-" He went to say before Tenten threw herself on him and hugged him, tears falling down her face and cheeks. He smiled and passed his non bandaged hand through her hair.

"What happened?" Kiba asked again, seeing the condition of his friend.

"Well long story short, I fought Sasuke and wasn't physically ready. My arm broke mid fight but I kept going. And I almost broke my back aswell" He chuckled at the ridiculous condition he was in.

"Seems your body isn't ready yet to take full advantage of Nature Naruto" An Old and Wise voice spoke out from the door. Everyone turned and saw Jiraya and Tsunade walking in.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

"Well according to what Sakura told us, it seems you mastered Sage Art" Jiraya stated.

"Everyone, I know you are all worried but Jiraya needs to speak with Naruto privately" Tsunade asked everyone to leave.

"Tenten can stay" Naruto said, seeing she was still crying and hugging him tight.

Everyone else said their goodbyes and left.

"I mastered Sage Art?"

"Please tell me what exactly happened"

"Well I tried the trick you told me to do. I drew the symbols on my face with my blood to increase my absorption of Natural Chakra but as Sakura was fighting Sasuke, I felt a sudden urge of power...but it was different. My hands weren't diffirent or my nose didn't grow bigger or I didn't grew any warts. I was still me but I felt....everything. I could sense the smallest mouvement and when I looked at Sasuke, I could almost predict his mouvement. Throughout my entire fight with him I felt as if I was five steps ahead of him. But..."


"Everything hurt. Everything I moved, punched and jumped I felt as if my bones would break. And I guess they did"

He looked as his cased right arm.

"That's what I was saying Naruto. You mastered the Sage Art. What you felt is the power of Sage Mode but your body isn't ready for it. The power is too much for you and easily broke. If you kept on using it, your arm would stayed broken." Jiraya spoke with the wisdom you would expect from a Legendary Sanin.

"So what am I supposed to do?"

"Train your body, make sure it's strong for the next you enter Sage Mode, you will be ready to use it at its maximum of capabilities"

Jiraya placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder.

"Still I must say, you mastering Sage Art is incredible. Even I haven't. You habe surpassed me Naruto. Proud of you"

They both smiled at each other.

"Sorry you couldn't bring Sasuke back Naruto" Tsunade said, concerned not knowing Naruto's reaction to his lost.

"Don't worry, I'll get him next time"

He and his bandaged face smiled yet again and comforted both of the Legendary Sanin.

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