The Forest

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"Y-you found him?"

"Yes, we did." Tsunade stated, nervous and serious as she took in a deep breath.

"He was spotted in a village and seen entering the forest"

Naruto took in his own deep breath. He was finally going to catch him. To catch and bring back his friend. And removing from the control of the evil Orichimaru. He turned and looked at Sakura who was stole cold.

"I'm sending you both with Kakashi and someone else to the location. Be careful, we don't know if Sasuke is with Orichimaru."


"Pleasure to meet you Mister Yamato" Sakura said, hand shaking the newest temporary member of Team 7.

"Oh please, no formality, just call me Yamato" He embarrasly chuckled.

"So how long will this trip be?" Naruto asked.

"About a week or so" Kakashi answered, as he looked at the map given to them.

Naruto nodded as he kept the pace. He was unusually calm. He thought he was going to be more excited to meet Sasuke again. But he washed the significance of his lack of excited away as he thought of what to say to him. And what to do if things go south.

Sakura was just as cold. She repeatedly check the tightness of her gloves and stretched. She was stronger and was going to prove it. She won't sit and cry. If any of her teammates are in danger, she is running in to save them. Her hair was cut short just when she cut it herself during the Chunin Exams. She unwrapped her headband from her hair and placed on her forehead. As she tied it tight, Naruto saw this and smiled. He walked right to her side as their new appearance exerted strength and power.

"We are coming for you Sasuke"


"Here was his last sighting" Yamato told the team, everyone crouching down.

They were infron of the entrance to the thick forest. It was famous and the one thing know to this un named village. Many bandits have used this forest in the past to escape authority and shinobi. The pathway into it was dirty and the breeze was picking up stones and blowing them away.

"What's the plan Yamato?" Sakura asked quietly.

"Kakashi and I will go in first, Naruto will after us and you, Sakura, will stay a bit behind him. You are our medical ninja so you have to stay out of harms way" Yamato planned it all out and everyone agreed to it.

"But first, Naruto,, can you detect anything?" Kakashi.

Naruto closed his eyes and concentrated. Soon later, he opened it again.

"I sense one chakra signature" He stated, letting out a strong sigh knowing who it was.

"Alright let's go" Yamato said, walking in the pathway and followed by Kakashi.

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