Warm Welcome Back

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"Sorry to burst your love bubble but-"

Naruto and Tenten screamed at the sudden voice that spoke to them. They turned around frantically and saw who spoked to them.

"G-grandma Tsunade" Naruto nervously spoke but calmed seeing her again.

"Good to see you again Naruto"

She stopped leaning on a tree and walked over to him, opening her arms to welcome him in a warm hug. He returned the hug, happy to see her again aswell. Tenten stayed sitting down, smiling.

But the warm mother-son bonding moment quickly stopped as Tsunade hit Naruto in the head.

"Do you know how many people have missed you! You could've atleast said a hi or something!" She yelled at him as he rubbed his head in pain. Tenten nervously laughed.

"Sorry Grandma, I had a promise to fullil"

Tsunade was surprised. She turned her head and looked at Tenten. Tsunade smiled happily. For someone with no parents, he surprisingly has good manners. For the most part... She told herself as she rubbed Naruto head where she hit him.

"I understand, sorry for hitting you" She chuckled. "But, you still need to say hi to everyone and get yourself tested"

"Yeah I was waiting for that" Naruto stated. "Shall we get going then?"

"Yes, of course!" Tsunade spoke out excitedly.

"I guess I should head home then-" Tenten said, standing up but was cut mid sentence.

"No no no! Tente you can come, right?" Naruto said, grabbing her hand and looking at Tsunade.

"Of course she can, she can see your improvement" Tsunade blinked, making both of them blush.

All three started their walk towards the Hokage Tower.

"Naruto!" Everyone, all of the Konoha 11, screamed out when he walked through the door with Tsunade into her office. Tenten stayed back, scared to what they would all think.

"Whoa you are all here?" Naruto asked, happily to see all his friends.

"Yeah since you didn't come see us" Sakura, going to punch him but was stopped by Tsunade.

"Don't worry, I already did that" Tsunade laughed.

Naruto went to person and person, hugging them and asking how they were. Tsunade, looked back and saw the hiding Tenten. They both made eye contact and Tsunade nodded, telling her with no words to come inside. And so she did.

"Tenten! You're late! Look, Naruto is back!" Rock Lee yelled out, pointing at Naruto who turned around and stared at her. They both nervously waved and said hi to each other, hiding the fact they already seen each other today and even went on a date.

"Alright, enough with the salutation and welcome backs, it's time to get serious" Tsunade spoke out, sitting down on her chair and laying her chin on her hands. A pose that was hard to take seriously.

"Naruto, you might know this, but you are already in your test"

"What?" He asked confused.

"I'll let you figure it out"

Everyone stared at each other and back to Naruto who scratched his head and looked around.

He sensed something. Very faint but it was there. Something was off with the people that welcomed him back.

He instinctively closed his eyes and concentrate. The world was black but after a few seconds of concentration, tiny blue fire were lit around him. He started to see and sense everyone auras. And one of the people around him wasn't the right one.

He opened his eyes and smirked, as he walked over to Neji. Naruto put his arm on his shoulder and smirked.

"Good to see you again Sensei"

Neji smiled and was engulfed in smoke. When the smoke decipated, there stood Kakashi, eyes closed and chuckling.

"Good to see you too Naruto" He said. Everyone was speechless. Tsunade laughed.

"Neji was sick today so Kakashi became his replacement" She said, still laughing at everyone's shocked faces.

Naruto laughed.

"You almost had me" Naruto admitted.

"Well you definitely improved but that isn't the last of it. Meet me at the training ground in five minutes"

Kakashi disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Naruto smiled and cracked his knuckles. He ran out of the door and everything followed.

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