Chapter 5

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"Everybody says we're through, I hope you haven't said it too.. So where do we go from here, with all this fear in our eyes? And where can love take us now? We've been so far down.. We can still touch the sky...IF WE CRAWL.."

Two Months Later

Skylar's POV

I never thought I would let myself go back to my old ways again, I promised myself that I wouldn't become depressed again after I finally began to enjoy life they way that I should've been enjoying it all along. At the age of fourteen, I was diagnosed with depression, I've seen a huge amount of psychiatrists, therapist, and I think I've tried practically every antidepressant medicine there is. I didn't want to be a depressed fourteen year old but after losing my mother and the Simmons, I felt as if I didn't have anything to live for; I know I still had my dad, but he was only there for me financially, he always put his job, girlfriend(s), and practically everything else before me, I was practically taking care of myself at such a young age. I can't lie, Daniel hurt me when he pulled that shit at the club, I let my guard down with him once again only to get heartbroken. For one quick second I felt loved again, my world felt complete, I was the happy little girl I was before my mom died, the girl I was before I moved to Atlanta and in one millisecond my world stopped, everything I was feeling vanished and I became that depressed little weird girl that was always in and out of hospitals. Daniel called and texted me everyday after that stunt he pulled and even though I wanted to answer him so bad I couldn't, I just couldn't let him fill my head with false hopes and dreams again, I can't be the girl that he keeps breaking into pieces. Even though I loved him more than I loved anyone on this earth I have to think about me.. I have to get back to my happy place, I have to act like nothing is bothering me especially since I start my internship with June Ambrose tomorrow and I'll be damned if I let some foolishness stand in my way of being the best that I know I'm able to be.

Diggy's POV

It's been two months since the last time I've spoken to or seen Skylar, I've tried contacting her a numerous amount of times but every time I call her phone goes straight to voicemail. I know I should've told Sky about Alex, but I honestly forgot she existed. No matter what girl I get in a relationship with, they'll never be able to make me feel the way Skylar did and sadly for them she still makes me feel the same way she did when I first me her. I didn't plan on any of the things that happened at the club happening, I didn't plan for Sky and I to share the moment we shared and I damn sure didn't plan on seeing Alex there. All I wanted was to let Skylar know that I still loved her, I wanted to catch up a little, and see why she stopped returning my calls not too long after she moved to Atlanta. Do I regret sharing the moment I shared with her two months of go? No! Do I wish things would've turned out differently? Of course! Not too long after the little club incident, Alex and I broke up, I couldn't stay in a relationship that I was unhappy in and even though I did love I wasn't in love with her and staying with her knowing that I'm in love with someone else, just isn't fair to her. She actually took it so much better than I expected and I found out that she wasn't happy with the relationship either, she just wanted to milk everything she could've out of me. Even though I know she was probably done with me at this point in her life, I can't just give up on her, I can't let the only girl I've ever been in love with slip through my fingertips once again, I can't live a life full of "What Ifs?" I know I have to do something BIG if I want to win her back. I know that it's not going to be easy, but it would definitely be worth it even if he doesn't go the way I want it to. I decided to text a couple of friends to see if they could help me with what I have planned.

Me: Im going to need you guys help with something. I know it's a little last minute, but it's really important. You guys down?

Everyone: Yeah!! Just tell us what, when, and where :)

~ A week later ~

Skylar's POV

My first week interning with Ms. Ambrose was beyond astonishing, not only is she BEYOOONDD fashionable, she's so professional, beautiful, funny, and just all around perfect, for some strange reason I feel like Cinderella and she's my Fairy God Mother. Madison felt that after a week of interning and a new semester we needed to celebrate and for the first time in a while I wasn't opposed to going out and enjoying life.

Me: Yo Madi! Where we going? What should I wear?

Madison: I don't know where we're going yet, I have to see where's the place to be tonight and as for what you should wear.. Wear whatever you wanna wear bitch. (We called each other bitch all the time in a non offensive way)

Me: I swear you're the worst -__- you're never no help lol.

After about thirty minutes, I decided to wear dark blue skinny jeans, a chunky sweater, a pair of D&G biker boots, and an army fatigue military jacket and soon Madison and I were out the door.

*Skips car ride*

Me: Madison, I thought we were supposed to be going to dinner or something, but instead you bring me to Bryant Park?

Madison: We'll go to dinner after I promise, but I thought we should go ice skating since I know you love it.

Me: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lets go inside and get our skates so we could get on the ice.

Madison: Sky, I'm not ready to bust my ass just yet. Can we go get coffee or something first.

Me: Oh my god Madison why would you come ice skating if you didn't know how to skate?

Madison: Because of this....

All of a sudden I heard music and seen him

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