†Singing in the meadow†

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You lived alone, far away and alone. Deep in the woods sat your little wooden cabin and your little garden, although you weren't entirely alone. The woodland creatures kept you company as you provided flowers for the Village celebrations that occurred. Your flowers and plants where always, with out fail, perfect. This made suspicion bloom in the village, you kept your powers descreat. And hidden away deep down so no one could ever find them.

One day you where humming in your kitchen watering your cacti plants and a bang was heard at your front door, with a skip in your step and smile on your face you answered "Hello, Hello! Y/n L/n here! What's needed?" You looked around at the very many villagers cornering you. "Ms L/n, you have been suspected of using witchcraft and are to be burnt at the stake." your village was a very olden day kind, Technology wasn't used and it followed the rules of burning witches to the ground.

The man presenting you with this news went to grab you but you shut the door and locked it. Making sure no one could come in "How Dare You! I am no witch! Just a simple gardener!" you made your way to the back door and ran outside. Running far and fast away from the cabin you had resided in for many years.

After running for what seemed like ages you ran into the city, gasping for air and wondering around fascinated by the signs and lights you attempted to ask for help once or twice but you where immediately pushed away or ignored. You grew uncomfortable as night approached and a man or two began pestering you with whistles and unwanted comments.

You kept walking, which soon turned into running once a man began chasing you. You ran up to a big white building and banged on the door the man watched you from the gate as a woman with blond hair opened the door "Oh my are you alright?" not knowing how to put your situation into words you pointed at the man at the gate, the woman made eye contact with him and he immediately ran away.

"Come in, you must be exhausted." you went inside the building as the woman shut the door behind you "I must quickly ask though dear," she came closer to you and whispered "Are you a witch." you nodded slowly. Not wanting to see the woman's reaction. She placed a hand on your shoulder and gave you a warm smile "Wonderful." she showed you around the house and talked on and on about the school until you both stopped at a door "This Shall be your room, you won't be having a roommate because your room is actually connected to mine through the bathroom." you nodded at the woman and opened the door.

"Im Cordelia Foxx by the way." you looked at her and smiled lightly "Im, Y/n L/n." Cordelia chuckled a bit and completed your name.

"You don't have to attend classes immediately Y/n, just get comfortable here first." you thanked her and went inside your room. You where rather wet from sweating and the rain outside so you decided to have a shower, which would've been difficult, seeing how you didn't have any clothes. "Here." you jumped and looked at a woman with brunette hair and a maid dress on "Ms Goode asked me to bring you some clothes." with a huff the maid left your room after you mumbled out a thank you.

You picked up a white shirt, black sweater, black jeans and black boots and made your way into the bathroom shutting your door and locking it. You took off your clothes and threw them to the side whilst turning the shower on and stepping inside. You sighed at the warms if the water flowing onto your skin you truly couldn't wait to attend the school. It seemed like a wonderful place.

The other entrance to the bathroom opened and Cordelia walked in, she didn't realise you where in the shower until she saw the steam "Oh My God! Y/n! I'm so sorry! I should've knocked well this is a bit embarrassing.." she covered her eyes and you gave a light chuckle, you where a very comfortable person you never mind someone seeing you naked. No one was born with clothes on for god's Sakes.

"Its perfectly fine Miss Cordelia, I don't mind really." she removed her hands from her face and made sure to avert her attention onto anything that wasn't you "I was just about to check on you, to see how you where doing." you smiled and rinsed the rest of the hair products out off your hair, grabbing a towel "Well I'm doing great I really appreciate what your doing for me." you wrapped the towel around your body and stepped out of the shower.

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