†Rising Powers†

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"Fiona.." The older woman looked around the greenhouse and scoffed "You sure did tidy up, not like it looks good. You did a shit job, Even a blinded man could see that." you stopped what you where doing and held your hands together "Now the plant bitch gets some new powers. Trying to upstage me little witch?" you shook your head.

Fiona walked around closer to you "Now what did I say about breaking my Delia's heart, I may not be proud of the little weakling but she doesn't deserve her heart to be broken." you tilted your head in confusion, you'd broken her heart? "Dont act dumb, Asking her to leave, Going off on your own, A girl in your room." you kept the confused look on your face but only this time you frowned "Oh my god. You really don't know, heh wow you are one stupid bitch." Fiona puffed out a piece of smoke from her cigarette and smirked.

"Know about what?" Fiona crossed her arms "Nothing, I'm just going to have a quick talk with my daughter." Fiona disappeared. You looked down at your hands and wondered to yourself, buts that when you decided to push away all your thoughts and focus on getting things done. You left the greenhouse realising that you'd spent all night in there by accident. You went into the kitchen and began to make yourself some breakfast. Or lunch? You didn't quite know anymore.

But once you saw Cordelia come in with a man you assumed lunch "Look who's up." Cordelia gave you a sweet smile and the man began to speak "So this is the infamous Y/n my wife won't shut up about." Cordelia lightly hit the man's arm and he reached over and shook your hand "Hank, Hank Foxx. Pleasure." you pulled your hand away from him "Please, keep your hands to yourself Mr Foxx. I'm not comfortable with people I've just met touching me." he put his hands in his pockets and looked down awkwardly, Cordelia gave Hank a kiss on the cheek "You should head to work now." He nodded and waved goodbye to both his wife and you.

You took a sip of your coffee "Well he's certainly.....Something." Cordelia laughed and crossed her arms "So now your talking to me? Not tiered anymore even though you where up all night doing god knows what." she was pissed. You should have guessed that reaction having being a complete asshole to her "I was doing something." she shook her head and threw her arms up in annoyance. "Wanna see...?" she sighed and thumped her heal against the wooden floor "Fine."

You got up and led her to the greenhouse "Holy-" Cordelia looked around at the plants and checked the soil "Perfectly healthy, like they weren't dying before." Cordelia looked around in amazement, "Where did you and Hank go this morning?" Cordelia looked at you and had a sad look in her eyes, a really sad look.

"The doctors, the fertility medication wasn't working." your heart sunk and Cordelia leaned against the table looking down "The chances of me starting a family is.....extremely low." you couldn't help but feel bad for her. She wiped tears away from her face, and went back to looking around "Im sorry my dear, I shouldn't burden you with my problems." she chuckled and played with one of the plants leafs "I also found a new power.." she looked at you "Mind showing?"

"Well I need something dead first." the older witch raised an eyebrow and with a snap a dead bird was on the table, you went over to it and placed your hands into it, Cordelia leaned closer and looked at the animal "Hm?" she took a few steps back once the bird flew away like it hadn't been dead moments ago "Oh my goodness, very few witches have this ability Y/n, you must be very special." your cheeks flushed but you soon pushed the feelings aside remembering who, exactly was talking to you.

"Y/n, may be talk about something a little more personal." now this was a conversation you had to run from, Cordelia made her way over to you "Mind telling me why you've been avoiding having conversations with me?" you bit the inside of your cheek and began to turn red, so you grabbed her hand "Lets get you back to the doctors, see if they can do anything to help." Before Cordelia could object she was dragged out of the greenhouse and into the main room of the house.

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