†Delia, Delia, Delia†

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That morning you sat at the breakfast table with the girls “What is it brains exploder.” You shot your eyes downwards.

“Holy shit it must be serious, you'd shoot me a look after that comment.” you looked up at everyone and took a deep breath, the first real breath you had taken since your death. “I knew.” Everyone looked at you “Knew what? Y/n?” Myrtle questioned you as you played with Cordelia's hand.

“I knew about Cordelia's vision, I knew Cordelia would've gone blind, what I saw in my hell....it was....awful.” Cordelia squeezed your hand as Zoe tilted her head “How'd you know?” you looked at her a sighed “My nightmares showed me. The first one was about death and blood, Cordelia dying like in her vision, The second about going blind and white, pale eyes.”

Myrtle went to stand behind you “And what about your hell, I do believe it'll help your powers if you are to tell us.” you bit your lip “My hell it was....dark.... darkness everywhere, I couldn't see a thing other than myself. But then there where these voices, all of your voices, screaming, Calling out to me for help. Needing me. But no matter where I ran I couldn't find any of you. Delia's voice was the easiest to hear, and the most torturous.”

Cordelia hugged you as a few tears ran down your cheeks, “Oh my god..” Misty was looking at your skin as it turned to its original colour and was no longer grey, your lips were no longer an Icy blue and you felt warmer. “Awe how cute, letting your emotions out really did help you after all. But it's useless either way. Both you and Cordelia are pathetically weak.” Madison made Herself known throwing insults towards your Delia.

Cordelia looked down as you stood up “How about you shut your mouth Madison.” Madison chuckled and got up as well “Try me Bitch.” You flicked your wrist and Madison flew to the wall “Quit Trying to be Better than everyone else! You pathetic, Sad excuse of a Move Star!” Madison groaned as she got up. Misty cackled.

“Girls, I believe it's time I told you.” Everyone's attention was drawn to Cordelia, “You will all be taking part in the seven wonders on Sunday. Since my mother failed to find her successor.” Zoe held Kyle's hand and Misty fiddled with her shawl “Way to drop the 'your all gonna die' bomb.” Cordelia shrugged as she got up. Myrtle was overjoyed, she was awfully strange.

“I suggest you all start studying for only one of you shall make it.” The day was just getting more and more morbid as minutes went by. “Yes Ms Cordelia.” Misty went off to her room, that you greatly gave her. Zoe went to her shared room with Kyle and Madison, Queenie went to hers and Cordelia sighed.

You stood there, afraid, you knew one of the tasks included traveling to your hell “Delia....I don't think I can go back...to that place..” Cordelia held her cane as she walked over to you and felt your cheek “I know....but you must. We have to find out who the next supreme is. I'll be there for you every step of the way.” you appreciate Delia's words and gave her a light kiss on the nose. She was a true angel.

The days went by slowly as you practiced with the other girls, all the things you could and couldn't do. One of you would be the next supreme after the rest of you died. It was a morbid thing to think about.

Misty kept getting upset when thinking about you dying in her arms, or just dying in general. It was a the worst feeling ever, loneliness. Misty trusted you with everything, you practiced everything together, you saved her and she saved you. You both saw each other as sisters. Misty being the youngest and you being the eldest.

As your powers began to come back and you no longer killed things, the coven started to lighten up with life and plants. Thanks to you and Misty. Zoe admired how your favourite plant was Devils Ivy, a plant that couldn't die in any natural way. A plant that was strong and independent, just like you where, although you did need help from time to time. Like when doing Math or reaching a high shelf.

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