†Hell Fire†

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Weeks had passed. You walked around the garden bare footed, leaving the rotting grass behind you. “Y/n! Come inside, your ruining the lawn!” You looked over at Myrtle and set her flower beds a blaze. “Someone's in a mood.” you scoffed as you walked passed her.

“Hello wildflower.” you looked at Cordelia and your burning rage settled. “Hi delia.” Cordelia smiled as she kissed you “Doesn't that hurt?” you looked over at Zoe who was eating her cereal “Like hell.” you rolled your eyes at Cordelia and went to make yourself coffee.

“So wait how does your power work again?” you looked at Zoe, she asked the question a thousand times. “Everything I touch rots.” Zoe grabbed a piece of fruit from the bowl Infront of her and threw it at you, you caught it. The orange crumbled away and fell to the ground “Sick.”

Cordelia hummed in agreement as you drank the coffee “Tastes of death. Delicious.” Zoe was humoured by your thick sarcastic voice. You had gotten used to the taste of death, dying flowers, bleeding from the mouth and your constant temper. Cordelia was adapting to the temper you had grown.

But Misty always pushed the wrong buttons and Madison would've died days go if it wasn't for Cordelia keeping her ass alive.

If you where left alone with Madison for more than 5 minutes she would have her neck snapped, that's why you always had to be with another person “Remind me, Why'd you hate Madison so much, not that I like her I'm just wondering.” You looked over at Zoe and finished your coffee “Took my friend misty out to 'hang around'. Haven't seen Misty for god knows how long and it's worried me.”

Zoe nodded understanding, everyone was still distraught after Nan's body was found in the tub. It was an awful sight. After Nan's funeral Cordelia surger coated everything, so no one grew sad. You watched from afar that day, you weren't close with Nan but she was nice enough.

“Im going to the greenhouse for a minute.” another thing was that Cordelia's second sight had disappeared and it's left her hopeless. You gave Cordelia a kiss on the cheek before she left for the greenhouse “Zoe what's your best joke,” Zoe thought for a minute and looked at you “They say I'm a killer in bed.”

You cackled and stopped for a minute “That's depressing-” A scream stopped your laughing, your eyes grew wide Once you realised it was Cordelia screaming. You ran out to the greenhouse and saw her, garden shears in hand and blood spilling from her eyes “Delia!” you rushed over to her and held her hands, Myrtle soon joined you all.

“Oh my goodness!” Myrtle held Cordelia as she covered her eyes screaming.

†A few days later†

You walked around the coven, not knowing what to do. Cordelia told you that she had a vision of Fiona killing all the girls in the coven, all the potential Supremes, including Cordelia herself. You where left uneasy.

Cordelia laid asleep in her bed as you looked out of her bedroom window, “Y/n?...” You rushed over to her “Hey delia.” Cordelia sat up as she held your hand, you wore gloves so she wouldn't burn herself. Ever since she blinded herself, she's been jumpy.

“Hey Delia, hey, what's up?” Cordelia smiled once she heard your voice “I want to see him.” you tilted your head “Who?” Cordelia held your hand tighter “The axe man, the man my mother's sleeping with. I have to talk to him.” You held her in place as she attempted to get up.

“Hold your horses jumpy, why do you have to see him? He scared the shit out of you last time.” Cordelia smiled at you warmly “Yes but this time I have you.” Fair enough, you'd kill anyone who made Delia scared or sad, Fiona's lucky to be alive. Once you helped Cordelia get dressed she put on some sunglasses “How do I look?”

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