†The Apocalypse†

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Whilst you laid on the couch, Cordelia was astral projecting to the coven, she woke up sweating and crying “I couldn't bring them back! Why couldn't I bring them back!” Madison stayed quiet and Cordelia gave her a stare that could kill “What?...”

Madison sighed and looked down “When we visited the house Micheal lived in, they said that, he could kill souls. Like your not a ghost you can't stay here....your just....gone.” Cordelia got up as she stared Madison down. Cordelia slapped Madison across the cheek and began to yell “How could you keep this from me! You've endangered all of us!”

Madison began to yell back “I told you he was the antichrist what more did you need to know!” Myrtle broke up their argument as you slowly woke up rubbing your head, Coco and Mallory came to check on you. But then Myrtle caught Mallory's attention explaining an old spell called 'Tempus Infinituum' a time traveling spell.

“So your telling me this bitch can time travel?!” Madison was completely shocked at Mallory, Cordelia and Myrtle took Mallory into the bathroom to test it out. They could only do it once, since no witch has succeeded doing it and lived to tell the tale. It was an extremely rare power to hold.

You, Madison and Coco had to wait. You happily cuddled with Coco on the couch as you waited. After a while you heard the splashing of bath water and Mallory screaming, that was quite concerning but once Mallory calmed down she left the room her eyes bleeding, her nose bleeding and blood coming from her mouth, Coco immediately got up and grabbed a wash cloth wiping the blood away continuing to ask if she was okay the answer was always 'I'm fine.'

Coco went to put Mallory on the couch and you moved, Cordelia and Myrtle helped Coco making sure Mallory was well rested. You laid on Misty's bed hugging the pillow “I miss you Sparkle fingers....” As Coco and Mallory rested on the couch, Myrtle and Cordelia spoke to one another outside, you didn't hear all of the conversation but one thing that stood out to you where the words “Y/n is too powerful, for god's Sakes Myrtle, she's Micheal's sister. She's the daughter of satan. She could ruin this. How can we protect her from her own flesh and blood.”

You could hear Myrtle sigh “My dear, remember that this is the same Y/n we all knew and loved, after all, I can tell you still love her a great deal. We'll change up some things about her and place an identity spell over her, Mallory and Coco.” you stopped listening, you didn't want hear anymore. Satan this, magic that. Nothing had made sense anymore.

You hugged the pillow and started to hum a Stevie Nicks song to yourself, it reminded you of when Misty would dance around singing it. Or the times you had met Stevie back at the coven. The god times.

A tear rolled down your cheek and you drifted off to sleep. A nightmare. Great.

Cordelia! Cordelia!
Y/n! Y/n!
Michael! Micheal!
Mallory! Mallory!
Fallen angels
Repressed, Blinded, Cheated on, Blinded, manipulated.
Depressed, Scared, Died, Lost a friend, Died, Lost a brother.
Good, bad, Hero's, Villains, Angels, Demons. Lost a brother.
Good, Lost friends, born in Salem, born with a rare power.
Death to the supreme!
Long live the daughter of satan!
Long live the son of satan!
Death to the angels!

You shot up, sweating and panting as you looked around the dark and gloomy room, Cordelia was laying next to you and she woke up “Y/n? What is it?” you started to panic holding Cordelia's arms “He's going to win, he'll win, he'll kill all of you.” Cordelia hushed you and held you tightly.

“Shh...shh it's okay. It was just a nightmare, it's all right, he won't win. We'll make sure of it.” you hid your face in her chest and cried slightly “I miss misty...” Cordelia sighed and stroked your hair “She's on a trip with Stevie at the moment.” Your head snapped up “She's alive!?” Cordelia covered your mouth and nodded. You felt warmth rise up in your stomach knowing that your friend was alive and safe.

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