†The Real Villain†

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For months, nightmares came to you, Wilhemina began acting nicer towards you, you where waiting for the day that your brother would arrive into the Outpost, ready to ruin your life. You kept an eye on Mallory making sure her powers hadn't surfaced yet.

Every day you grew more anxious and it made Wilhemina worry about you, Wilhemina attempted to grow closer to you and you actually started talking more, you knew about her scoliosis and her insecurites. She knew enough about the you, she thinks you are.

That's until one day, Wilhemina gathered everyone into the room and began to talk about how the food would be shortening down to 1 meal a day and half a cube.

“Thats diabolical!” Coco began throwing a temper tantrum and Gallant groaned “Your just going to have to li-” The sirens in the Outpost began to blare and you covered your ears, both Wilhemina and Ms Mead got up and made their way to the entrance. You looked around and Coco hid behind you and Mallory held onto your arm “Are we gonna die! I can't die! I've spent so much money just to survive here!” Coco began to Panic and you calmed her down.

Telling her that is was probably a mistake and a last minute check to see if the sirens still worked, My god Coco's gonna be relieved once this spell is done. You thought. Mallory let go of your arm eventually and fiddled with her fingers.

You heard Wilhemina's cane clicking so you went to peek at what was going on and there you saw it. Your brother, with his long blond hair and a smirk that could cut threw paper. He glanced your way and your heart stopped. Wondering if he recognised you or if he could see into your thoughts.

“Oh, Y/n. Meet Micheal Langdon, he's with the co-operative.” He nodded his head towards you and you did the same “Do you know each other?” He could see right through you “Yes. We know each other very very well.” Your heart sunk into your stomach. You wanted to throw up. He knew.

“Y/n. Is this true?” you looked at Wilhemina who had a confused look on her face “Yes, I'm afraid it is.” Micheal walked towards you and looked down “Hello, Little Sister.” You gave him a scolding glare as he walked away with Wilhemina to his room upstairs.

“Who's that hotty? And why's he talking to you?” you turned around and saw Gallant leaning on the doorframe “He's my brother. And trust me you can have him.” Gallant thanked you for your blessing as he called it.

“Im going to my room.” For the next few days, you couldn't bring yourself to leave your room, until Mallory came rushing in “Y/n! Y/n!” Tears ran down her face as she looked for words to put together, you quickly shut your door and hugged her “Whats wrong Mals? What's up? What happened? Was it Coco? Gallant? Evie? Dinah?” She shook her head as she took a deep breath.

“I was being interviewed by Langdon to go to the Sanctuary and something happened. I made fire blaze out of the fire place and he had a white demon like face!” Your breath hitched “Oh Mallory, the lack of food is getting to you.” you didn't want to bring Mallory down, but it was necessary for Cordelia's plan to play out.

“Come, lay down on my bed. Get some real rest. I'll go speak with him.” Mallory sighed and laid down on your bed quickly drifting off to sleep.

You marched downstairs and flew Micheal's office doors open, Wilhemina was being interviewed. She was crying and the back of her dress was unzipped “Mina!?” Micheal looked at you and sighed angrily “Thank you....Mr Langdon...” Ms Mead then came to the door requesting to see Wilhemina. They both walked away as you stepped inside.

“Here for an interview sis? I don't think you need it since we both know that we're immune to the toxic air outside.” You looked at him with pure hatred “I don't know what sick twisted thoughts you've got in that head of yours but you better stop. Leave Mallory alone! And Wilhemina! Infact just leave everyone alone!” Micheal chuckled and your eyes turned white, instead of their usual pitch black.

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