𝟶𝟹. 𝙶𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙲𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚛

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Madison smiled as Remus walked into the staffroom. She looked to him. "How are you enjoying the teaching? Joy huh?" She asked as she took a sip of her drink.

"It's not as bad as I thought it would be," Remus replied.

Severus scoffed. Since Remus had arrived, Severus had been hovering around Madison a lot more. He wanted to protect her. He knew about Remus being a werewolf as he was the one who was brewing his wolfsbane potion.

Remus looked to Severus. "It's good to see you too Severus. After all this time," he said.


Remus walked off. Madison looked to Severus. "You know, you don't have to be so rude. He's trying to make an effort. At least try," she said as she walked over to him.

"And why would I do that?"

"For me?"

Severus raised his eyebrows and walked off. Madison rolled her eyes. "I'll take that as a no?" She called, knowing she wouldn't get a response.


Madison was walking through the school. She saw Harry and rolled her eyes. "So not only do you blow up your aunt, you're not in class. Why?"

"Professor Snape told me to stay outside. He didn't trust me to not mess up this potion," Harry said.

Madison rolled her eyes. "And if I go and ask Professor Snape, he'll confirm that for me?"

Harry nodded. A bit too quickly for Madison's liking. She smirked. "Do you want to tell me the truth? Or shall I go and ask Professor Snape?"

"Fine. I was late. And I didn't want to go in there yet."

Madison nodded. She sighed. "Do you not realise that Sirius Black is out of Azkaban? I know Mr Weasley told you about how he's after you, but seriously, lurking in corridors is the wrong way to go about things. Come with me."


Severus looked up as Madison walked in. She smiled. "Excuse the interruption Professor Snape. But Harry is late as he was with me. I was just informing him of how he won't be attending Hogsmeade this term due to not having permission," she said.

Harry was gobsmacked as Madison lied. He sat down with Ron. "She just lied for me," he whispered to him.

"Bloody hell."

Severus nodded. "In future make sure it can wait. Silly little get togethers can wait. Now Potter has detention and he's lost 10 points from Gryffindor," he said. "

Madison rolled her eyes. "You don't have to be a jerk do you?" She said as she turned and walked off.


Madison was sitting in the staffroom. She looked up as Remus walked in. She smiled. "So. Professor. What made you want to come and teach? And don't say it was for Severus' charming company. As we both know he's a foul git at times," she said.

Remus laughed and nodded. "Albus asked me. And I said I would. Plus I wanted to get to know Harry. He is so much like James," he told her.

"Yes he is. Too much like him. Especially the chaos he can cause. And just like James, he lives to antagonise Severus. Much like you all did."

Remus smiled. "That was mainly James and Sirius. And you know it."

Madison sighed. "I miss them. I miss James and Sirius. I know I shouldn't. Considering what's happened. But... I just... miss them," she mumbled.

Remus nodded and sat with her. He took hold of her hand and smiled. "I know. I do too. But James and Lily left us Harry. And we have to be grateful for that."

"I am. It's just hard. And I wish I could see James once more. I wish I could tell my big brother how much I love him. The last time we spoke, we had an argument. And I told him I hated him," she said.

Remus smiled. "He knew you didn't mean it. You were always winding each other up. James knew you loved him," he told her.



The door opened and Severus walked in. He raised his eyebrows. "This looks cosy," he said.

Madison rolled her eyes. "Would it kill you to lighten up? Stop being such a jerk all of the time," she said as she stood up. She walked over to him. "Since Remus has started working here, you've been even more a jerk than usual. So what the hell is your problem with him?" She asked.

Severus rolled his eyes. "Perhaps Miss Potter, you should look closer at who you spend your time with," he said as he turned and walked off.

Madison scoffed. She turned back to Remus. "I have no idea what he has against you. But don't let him be a jerk with you."

"I can handle it Madi."


During dinner, Madison saw how pissed Severus looked. She rolled her eyes. She turned to Remus. "So. Is there a lady in your life? Anyone who gets you rattled?" She asked.

Remus laughed and shook his head. "No. You?"

Madison shrugged. "Meh. I had a thing with Severus. But that's ended now. I don't want to have a jerk in my bed," she said.

Remus frowned. He had no idea why Madison would sleep with Severus. He looked at her. "So you're romantically involved with Severus?" He asked.

Madison shook her head and sighed. "We're not together. We've never been together. It was just... scratching the itch."


After dinner, Madison made her way to her chambers. She saw Severus there. He looked mad. "You told Lupin about our arrangement?" He asked.

Madison shrugged. She looked to him. "I gather you've been reading my mind again? You told me you wouldn't do that. You told me you wouldn't ever read my mind. And you did."

"Because you are discussing our private affairs with Lupin of all people."

"You need to get a grip. I know they all bullied you when you were younger. But that was then. This is now. You're a professor. Let it all go," Madison said.

Severus said nothing as he walked off. Madison sighed. She knew how complicated everything was becoming. And she wasn't sure that she could cope with it all.

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