𝟶𝟺. 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚝 𝙺𝚒𝚜𝚜

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Madison smiled as she saw Remus. Severus stood behind her cashing Remus to look confused. He knew that Madison and Severus had something going on. But they weren't an official couple.

Madison looked to Severus. She rolled her eyes. "You know, if you keep standing behind me, people will get intimidated by you," she told him.


"You're ever such a delight aren't you? Like an absolute ray of sunshine," Madison grumbled as she turned to look at Remus.

Severus was annoyed. He hated how Madison had been focusing on the wolf lately. He knew he cared for her. And he wanted to protect her. Especially since he knew what Remus was.

Remus walked over and smiled. He looked to Madison. "How are you doing?" He asked as he sat down next to her.

"I'm fine thank you Remus. How are you?"

"I'm well. Severus. I trust you're well?" Remus asked as he looked to potions professor.


Madison rolled her eyes. "Ever the delight."


Madison was sitting in her classroom. She looked up as Harry walked in. "And what can I do for you?" She asked as she put down her quill.

"Who's Sirius Black? I know who he is. But I want to know everything about him," Harry said.

Madison sighed. She looked to him. "Okay. I was younger than your mum and dad. So I don't really know much. But, Sirius, Professor Lupin and James, they were all best friends. They were so close. Really close. When you were born, Sirius was so proud. He adored you... Harry, I'm not comfortable talking to you about this. Please."

"Madison. Please. I need to know."

"No. It's too hard for me. Your father was my brother. My best friend. And it's hard. So I'm sorry, but you'll have to find someone else to tell you," Madison said as she stood up.

Harry was about to speak when Madison walked out of her classroom. Harry knew he had upset her. And it was the last thing he wanted to do.


Hermione and Ron could tell that Harry was in a foul mood. Hermione sighed. "What's happened? You've been foul all morning," she told him.

"I upset Madison. I asked her to tell me about Sirius Black. And she got upset about it. I didn't mean it," Harry said.

Hermione smiled. "She will come around. It's just hard for her to talk about. Especially as she knew Sirius. Don't worry."

"I hope so. She's the only family I have. And I don't want to ruin that."

Ron rolled his eyes. "Your aunt won't ruin a relationship with you over a silly conversation. You just have to talk to her."

Hermione nodded. "Ron's right you know. She's just upset. She will come around."


Madison was sitting in the staffroom. She sighed as Severus walked in. "Don't even come by me with your gloomy. I'm not in the mood," she told him.

Severus looked to her and frowned. He saw she was upset. "Who has upset you?" He asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine. I'm just not in the mood for your gloom. So please, leave me alone," Madison said as she stood up. She went to walk off.

Severus grabbed her arm and stopped her. "I know you're lying. Don't make me read your mind."

"Don't even threaten me with that. You know I hate you reading my mind," she told him as she turned and walked off.


Remus was standing on the bridge. He smiled as Madison walked towards him. "How are you?" He asked. He saw how upset she was. "Madi?"

Madison sighed. "Harry. He wanted me to tell him about Sirius. I can't tell him that his fathers best friend is the reason he doesn't have a father anymore. And that hurts me. Because I know that if Harry was to find out, it would destroy him. It really would," Madison mumbled as she looked out to the sunset.

Remus looked to her. He smiled. "Don't think about that. Harry knows you were the one who lost your brother. He understands that. He just wants answers. Answers that only one person can give him. And that person is Sirius. But seeing as Sirius wont get into Hogwarts, that wont happen."

"I don't know. This just hurts my head. Why does this all suck?"

Remus smiled. "Life wasn't made to be easy. We both know that. We've both been dealt hard lives," he told her.

"Yeah. I know. I just hate all of this, I hate what Sirius has done," Madison said as she looked to him.

Remus looked into Madison's eyes. He saw the twinkling. Madison smiled as she moved closer to him. Their faces inched closer together.

Their lips lightly touched. Madison could feel the kiss getting deeper. Remus pulled away. He looked to her. "We can't. You're with Severus and he's not a fan of me as it is," he told her.

"Wait. You think I'm with Severus? No. I'm not. I told you before what Severus and I had. It's in the past," Madison said. She was annoyed that he thought she was with Severus.

All that Madison had with Severus was just sex. A way to scratch the itch. That's all. And that's all Madison wanted. But now, she was developing feelings for Remus.

Madison didn't care that there was an age difference. She didn't care at all. "Remus. I'm not with anybody. I don't know where you got that I was in a relationship with Severus," she told him.

"I heard it from the man himself."

"Did you now?"


Severus was sitting in his chambers when there was a pounding at the portrait. He stood up and saw Madison there. "Why the hell would you tell Remus that we were together? What the hell!"

"Your lack of grace doesn't surprise me."

Madison glared as she looked to him. "You had no right to tell Remus that you and I were something. We aren't. We never have been."

"No. You just kept my bed warm during the summer. And I saved you from a summer of loneliness. We both know you would have had nothing to do."

"Screw you."

Severus smirked. "Oh you have done. On quite a few occasions," he said as he looked to her.

Madison glared. She nodded. "Fine. Just leave me alone. You are a jerk and you're going to end up alone. Lily didn't love you. She loved James."

Anger overcame Severus. He grabbed her by the throat and pushed her up against the wall. "Never mention his name in my chambers again. I will make you regret it."

"Touched a nerve? Shame."

Severus gripped her throat harder. Madison could feel her breath leaving her. "Get off me," she rasped out.

Severus let her go. Madison glared. "You ever touch me again, I will tell Dumbledore everything. And I mean everything."

Madison turned and walked off. But she had no idea that things were about to get a whole lot worse.

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