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By the time they get to the next city Chrissy has made an appointment to see a doctor for a scan and check-up. So now Lola is lying on a bed with her legs in the air while the doctor shoves a wand up her 'whoha' because he had felt an internal exam was a good idea, but judging by Austin's face he does not agree.

"Stop pulling your face like that" Lola whispers

"It's involuntarily Lola! My face just automatically pulls like this when I watch a man who is 109 years old sitting between my girlfriends legs while shoving the biggest fucking wand I have ever seen up her vigina." Austin whisper shouts at her.

"Aww you see me as your girlfriend?"

"Yeah" he smiles "I thought that was implied the other night when I said you were my girlfriend."

Lola jolts when the doctor moves the wand and bumps a nerve "Oooh careful there doctor, I don't want twins," the doctor looks up at her confused. She waves him on "Carry on, carry on."

"Well do you want me to ask you to be my girlfriend as if we are in high school?"

"Yes please. No one has ever asked me. I would like to be asked at least once before I die."

"Will you be my girlfriend Lola."

"Weird fucking time to ask, but yeah! I will be your girlfriend."

Austin leans over and tries to kiss her  but Lola is quick to bat him away.

"Austin! Don't kiss me while professor Dumbledore is busy waiving his wand around my whoha!"

Austin winces at the thought while Lola keeps a side eye on him. She might be slightly traumatized. She is pretty open minded but a Harry Potter themed threesome? No thank you. Eventually the doctor stands up with his wand and chucks it in the trash can gesturing for Lola to cover up. Thank fuck.

"I am not a professor dear, just a doctor," he claps his hands once "right! It all looks good and healthy down there. You have a good childbearing vigina Lola" Lola is offended and Austin lets out a cackling laugh.

"Let's have a look at the video. I love my special machine that will let us see the baby while in your belly. Technology theses days!" He says while he disappears into the other room to do whatever.

"Who found this doctor and what year does he think it is?" Lola asks.

"Chrissy found him and she said he had been in business for 57 years. He knows what he is doing"

The doctor comes back in and sits down next to Lola. He squeezes some jelly onto her still flat belly then starts running the transducer around her belly. Both Lola and Austin watch the screen really carefully and when a picture forms that she knows is her baby her breath hitches.

"There it is!" The doctor points "See all happy and healthy. The size of a blueberry"

The room is quiet, so are Lola and Austin. They stare in awe at the little smudge. This is the first time Lola is seeing it. Beautiful.

"Want to hear something really cool?" The doctor asks.

"Sure" Austin whispers.

The doctor turns back to his machine and presses a button and then;


"Is that -"

"The baby's heartbeat."

Lola starts crying and then Austin cries and then the doctor starts crying. Ridiculous.

But this changes everything, Lola can feel a shift within her. Like a protective need that was never there before. It's scares the living shit out of her. She has to look after a human? She will be it's entire world? Shouldn't this make her want to bolt, run, bury her head in the sand. Except it does the opposite. She gets butterflys in her tummy and she knows, she just knows she is ready. There is no doubt. She is a mother.

This is very grown up thinking. She is going to be amazing at all the grown up things. Easy.

After a while the doctor cleans off the the gel and leads them to his desk and Lola hasn't been able to look up from the ultrasound picture. Austin is nodding along to what the doctor is saying and writing everything down.

"Lola. You wanted to ask the doctor if you could still drink and smoke. Go on" Austin's stupid voice breaks her train of thought.

The doctor gasps.

"Oh calm down Dumbledore! My last cigarette was 5 minutes before I took my first 6 pregnancy tests and I can't remember how long ago I had a drink. Austin is just making a point. He is an idiot. Ignor him."

They leave the doctors room and head straight for the hotel. Once in the hotel room Lola throws herself on the bed while Austin leaves to go check on his venue. Maybe she will go with him next time.

Chrissy comes in to look at the ultrasound picture and they sit on the bed giggling about how cute the baby will be. Lola doesn't know who she is anymore. But she kind of likes this Lola. The new responsible Lola. She is going to replace her rip jeans for mom jeans. Not yet. But soon. Next year maybe.

Austin comes back later and sends Chrissy to get soda water. Lola knows the bar fridge is stocked high with soda water. Cheeky. Once she is gone he looks at Lola with hungry eyes so she gets off the bed and backs away from him a little which only prompts Austin to stalk Lola and crowd her into the corner. He kisses her, slipping his tounge into her mouth, he gives her goosebumps. 

"This is our life now Lola." He whispers.

He kisses her again and something stirs from deep in her guts. She has been with Austin for less than a week, far too early for such stirrings.  She has done so much adulting today so she is forgiven for just ignoring the stirrings.

...........What stirrings?

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