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"Now hold on just a darn tooting minute buster! I thought you said you lived in LA. Not in the fucking wild west!" Lola is still sat in a taxi and has refused to get out. She is in Utah and she has no fucking idea why.

"I never said I lived in LA. I said I was not going to be back in LA for six months and that was only to meet up with you. But I never said I lived there...we...you and me...live in this lovely house here in Utah , well Utah Mountain's to be exact," Austin points to the house behind him. It is beautiful, but that's beside the point. Lola loves LA, she wants to live in LA not here! She frowns, “but Austin its like 100 hours away from LA and your work is in LA.”

Austin manages to loosen her hand that is gripped onto the seat belt and pulls her, albeit reluctantly, out of the taxi, “actually,” he says as he pays the taxi driver, “its only an eight hour drive or a one and a half hour flight...we have a helipad in the field behind the house so...” Lola glares at him, he thinks he is smart well he is not. "Don't they pan for gold up here still. Do I have to ride a horse? Because I will tell you right now Billy Bob, that is not happening...not for a darn second," Lola says with a pout, she is not happy about this.

She walks past Austin and into the house with the intention of drowning herself in the bath tub. Austin follows her, "I think you just offended the whole of Utah with your stereotypes baby. And I think you would look amazing on a horse." Lola is looking around the house, a little confused by the lack of furniture. In fact there is hardly any thing in the house.
"Austin , me on a horse will never happen. But, I think you have bigger problems on your hands. I think you have been robbed. Where the fuck is your furniture?"

Austin takes a deep breath, taking her hand he leads her to the kitchen then hoist's her up onto the kitchen counter. "Wait here,” he commands, leaves and then comes back with a blanket. Aww shit, she is going to have to do some fucking adult crap. He stands between her legs and throws the blanket over them. Then he slips his arms around her waist and holds on pretty tight. Fuck, this is going to be big.

“Lola...baby,” he starts, “I purchased this house just before I left for tour and they have been doing renovations on it while I was away. I had not wanted to live in LA for a while and now with you and baby Rich...I want to raise my family up here in Utah . This will be our family home, we live here."

“But LA –“

“No LA baby,” Austin cuts her off, his voice is stern. Lola knows he is not going to compromise on this. Fine, it’s whatever she guesses it won’t be that bad.


Aww fuck

"I have put your name on the deed to this house. Right along side mine. You own this house baby," Austin says while watching her very carefully. She knows he is waiting for her to bolt. Freak out. Loose her fucking shit. "That is a big step. A big commitment." She whispers out.

Austin nods. Just waiting.

"You don't fucking know me Austin . Have you lost your fucking mind? You have left yourself wide open. I could fuck you over so bad!"

Austin nods again. Still waiting.

"But I would never,” Lola sighs, “I would never do that because...I think that's what love is, what family is...never fucking over the other person. It's as simple as that, right?"

Austin smiles and nods as he leans in and captures Lola's lips. His kisses are always so sweet, like sugar and honey. He pulls back and looks at her, “Lola from Vegas will you do me the honour of living in this house with me and raising a family?"

Lola laughs, she thinks she would live anywhere if it came with Austin , “yes I will.”
She leans in and kisses him again, she can never get enough of his lips. She has an addiction to them, an addiction she has no intention of fixing. When they break the kiss for the second time he is looking at her with hooded eyes. Oh, she knows that look. Yes!

"We have a hot tub on the patio off our bed room. Want me to fuck you in it?"

"Ohhhh! Yes please. Now! Now please sir."

He chuckles and throws the blanket off them then turns around letting Lola jump onto is back. He walks them down a long passage and Lola should be taking more notice of her home but she has revenge on her mind, there is no doubt that she would have moved anywhere with Austin but his little surprise needs to be dealt with in a grown up manner...there will be begging but he is man enough to take whatever Lola puts down.


"Baby, you will be the death of me one day. I fucking swear," Austin can hardly get the words out as he clamps his teeth onto his mark on her shoulder. Lola would answer him but her words are all jumbled in her head as she slides up and down Austin ’s shaft. For the last 25 minutes she has been a literal cock tease, sliding up and down at a fast and steady rhythm until she feels him start pulsating inside her and about ready to blow then she slows down to a near stop, dousing his pending climax slightly. She keeps it in his sights but never allows him to touch it. It's driving him crazy.

He’s moaning and grunting with every twist and thrust of her hips. His hands are grabbing at her skin in a desperate demand for her to release him from the hold she has on him. She runs her fingers through his hair then grabs it and pulls his head back so she can look in his eyes. His eyes are hooded, his pupils so heavily dilated there is hardly any blue left.

Just the look on his face is enough to make her loose control. But she won't, she can't. Austin has become a precious commodity to her, one she needs to nurture and give only the best to. She will make every encounter, every moment, every thrust speak a thousand words and by the way Austin launches forward out of her grip to push his tongue into her mouth and kiss her, she knows he has heard every unspoken word.

She feels him pulse in her again so she slows her movements to a complete stop watching as he almost sobs and chants, "no, no, no, no," under his breath, his head lulls back and just as he starts to pick it up to look at her she grabs hold of the side of the hot tub and starts thrusting and twisting her hips faster than she had done all afternoon. She takes pride in how fast Austin 's jaw goes slack. He is completely lost in her.

When she finally lets him go all the way, his climax hits with an intensity that has him arching his back and digging his fingers into her hips. She can feel his release and so hers follows shortly after. When he comes down from his high and is able to look at her, still panting, she smirks at him.

"I fucking love you Billy Bob."

"Oh I know you fucking love me baby. There isn’t a doubt in my mind."

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