Birthday cake

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Second upload today.....

"I think you are over-reacting just a little!"

Austin shouts while Rich is standing next to him clutching onto his jeans also shouting, in baby gibberish, at their in-house chef. Lola is sitting on the front steps of their house and she can't help the grin spread on her face from watching her two boys defending her.

"Over-reacting! Over-reacting! Austin! There is a fire truck in your front yard and firemen in your kitchen and you say that I am over-reacting! No! That woman has you wrapped around her finger so tight that you would defend her no matter what." Their chef shouts back at Austin.

"Ok, that is true," Austin says and Lola nods her head..... it's true, "but still I do think you are overreacting just a little."

Rich points his finger at the chef and gurgles something that sounds angry. Austin looks down at him and nods agreeing with what Rich is saying.

"Well, I am not. I stand by what I said. I will quit if Lola so much as steps one foot into the kitchen." the chef shouts at the boys.

"what if I need a cup of coffee?" Lola asks

"fine, coffee only!"

"What if I need a snack?"

The chef looks at Lola and lets out a deep sigh. "Fine you can come into the kitchen to get a snack, but then you have to leave straight away."

"Well, what if I decide to go for a run and as you know the heat up here in Utah is really bad and so during my run, even though I take water with me, I don't take enough and so I become dehydrated and delirious that I wander into the kitchen all delirious and dehydrated.......would it be ok?"

The chef stares at her with a blank stare while Austin tries to hide his laugh and Rich tries to walk over to Lola on wobbly legs.

"We all know you would not ever go for a run Lola." the fire chief says as he walks out the front door. True.

"Mr Post......I have been a fireman for 24 years. What your wife did in the kitchen........I have just never seen before," he turns to Lola, "Lola how did you manage to not only burn and undercook what I presume is an attempt at a cake, but you managed to set alight and damage the stone kitchen countertops. If ever you were thinking of remodelling your is the time to do so."      

The chef throws his hands in the air with a disgruntled sound and then looks at Austin as if to say "I fucking told you so!" Austin rolls his eyes at the chef and walks up to Lola.

"What were you trying to do baby?"

"It's your birthday next week. I have never had a chance to do anything nice for your birthday so this time I was trying to practice baking you a cake for your birthday."



"Well, that was very sweet of you."

"It was going to be a chocolate cake."

"Really! I love chocolate cake. Out of all the cake flavours, chocolate is my favourite."

"I know! Now I don't know what to do to make you feel special."

"Aww baby, I bet you can think of something."

Austin wriggles his eyebrows so Lola starts laughing and leans in to kiss Austin, she can think of something. They break apart when they hear both the chef and the fire chief  
clear their throats.

"Ok, I won't let Lola back into the kitchen."

The chef nods grab his spare apron that Lola was holding and stalks off down the driveway. The rest of the firemen come out and Lola spots one that looks remarkably like Naill Horan. So walks up to him.

"Excuse me sir......are you married, engaged, currently dating, living in your parent's garage, moonlighting as a murderer, do you have anger issues, any addiction issues and are an asshole?"

The fireman scratches his head and looks a little bewildered, but doesn't run away. That's a good sign.

" to all that stuff."

"Great! Do you enjoy strong-willed independent women? Are you confident, courageous, funny, humble and faithful? Do you fight for your right to not only party but for injustice so clearly evident in this world today?"

The fireman looks around, but it seems no one is interested in saving him from Lola's questions.

"Ummm......yes to all that stuff."

Austin has finished talking to the fire chief and walks up to Lola. Lola can see the exact moment he realises that the fireman looks like Niall Horan.

"For Chelsea?" he asks

Lola nods.

"Are you a generous and confident lover, but also not afraid to be a little vulnerable in bed?" Austin asks.

Lola turns to look at Austin with big eyes, maybe she should stop putting her phone on speaker when Chelsea recants her sexcapades.

The fireman's eyes widen, but he does start to nod his head.

"Well I like to think I am," he says.

"Great," Austin says, "would you be open to role play? How good is your Irish accent?"

The fireman now looks a little afraid, it could be that Lola has started taking pictures of him or that Austin is still looking at him with a straight face waiting for an answer.

"Um....well my Irish accent is not too bad I think and I like to think I am pretty open-minded." He says in a perfect Irish accent.

"You're perfect!!" Lola and Austin shout in unison.

"How about a double date. We have someone we think you would enjoy." Lola says

The fireman seems to mull it over in his mind and then eventually nods.

"ok, I guess I have nothing to lose," He takes Austins phone and puts his number into it, "my name is Neil by the way...if you were interested."

Lola smiles "Neil you are perfect." she sends all the pictures she has taken of him off to Chelsea. she gets a reply within seconds.

'Fucking yes please!!!!'

Austin and Lola stand at the top of their driveway and wave off the fire engine.

"Well, that went well," Lola says

"It did? How so?"

"Well, Austin, not only did we establish that we need to remodel our outdated kitchen, we made some new friends, helped out stiff chef challenge himself today and to top it all off we helped set up a new love story. I think we are doing pretty well at this adult thing Austin."

Austin nods and then looks around suddenly, Lola side eyes him. What is he doing?

"Lola! Our kid! Where the fuck is Rich?"

"Oh shit!"

Lola starts searching alongside Austin for Rich. After calling and almost about to phone the firemen back to help look they hear some evil giggling from a bush near the front door. Lola parts the bushes and finds Rich sitting in the bush giggling at his parents.

"You little shit," Lola says as Austin reaches in and pulls him out.

"Just one normal day is that too much to ask for in this family," Austin says they walk back into their home.....their family home. 

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