Smash it

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"When you said 'anymore' does that mean you used to have threesomes? Or were you just fucking with me?"

Austin is looking at her with wide eyes.

"You really went all in with the comment thing, huh? See this is why no-one should have a serious relationship until they have played the field Austin."

Lola is sitting in the corner on the back seat of the minivan. Austin has turned his body and is crowding her against the window. Chrissy, who came with them has her nose in a book and could care less about what her and Austin are doing in the back.

"I don't want a threesome. Some guys might like doing that stuff with their girlfriends but all I can think of is someone touching you there and it pisses me the fuck off"

Lola grins and slips her hands into her jeans.

"Touch me here? Feels so good though, makes me shiver."


"And moan"

"Lola stop!"

He grabs her hand and pulls it out. He can't help but huff out a laugh and shake his head. She wraps her hands around his neck and kisses him.

"Besides," she says "threesomes are over-rated. There are too many limbs, too many lips, too many holes. Do you kiss? Do you lick? Where do you put your hands?  Where do you put your feet? No thank you.  It's just a whole mind fuck. They are very tiring."

Austin laughs again and kisses her then burys his head in the crook of her neck. They may just have been talking about commitment issues, threesomes and other people touching her, but sitting here like this with Austin cuddled up to her makes her feel like this is her forever, come what may. Yip, soppy as fuck.

The mini van comes to a stop outside what looks like  scrapyard and everyone gets out. Both chrissy and Lola look at Austin for answers.

"Have you ever gotten tired of playing by the rules and just wanted to let off some fucking steam? Fuck shit up?"

"Fuck yeah! All the fucking time!" Lola shouts with her arms in the air. She is pumped. For what? She doest know.

Chrissy is shaking her head and frowning. "No, not me. I don't have anything bottled up. I am happy, cool, calm and collected."

"Well I am not. Take me to this magical place you speak of." Lola demands.

Austin leads them through what is ultimately a car graveyard, it's huge. Just a sea of useless and discarded cars.

“A few years ago I was not dealing with some issues very well. So a friend brought me here. Gave me a big ass sledge hammer and let me fuck some shit up.”

They eventually reach a clearing in the middle of the huge graveyard, where an old rusty car sits. The car has two huge hammers leaning against it, a jumpsuits, helmets, gloves and safety goggles on it. There is also a little man standing waiting for them. Austin greets him like a long lost friend and introduces both Lola and Chrissy to him.

"Girls, some people do yoga or go for a run to dispell their frustration. In this family we fuck shit a safe way," Austin taps the bonnet of the car with his knuckles. "Have at it."

Lola gives Chrissy a skeptical look, but they get suited up anyway. Lola's helmet strap gives her some trouble so Austin pulls her off to the side and starts helping her to untangle it. But before he can click the clasp into place they hear screaming, the sound of breaking glass and the distinctive sound of metal hitting metal.

They turn to see Chrissy standing on the roof of the car. Her pink hair whipping in the wind and her mouth wide open as she screams. She raises her sledge hammer above her head and lets it come soaring down on the windscreen, mangling it in one swoop. "Being into cosplay does not make me undateable," she screams and then raises her sledge hammer over her head again, she pivots her hips and lets the hammer fly down on the roof of the car "knitting is a great hobby and does not make me look like a lonely old spinster!" She stops to take a breath, she looks kind of crazy. Lola loves her.

Austin walks up to her gingerly and places his hand on her foot.

"You OK there Chrissy?"

"OMG!!," she squeals with pure delight "this feels so good! Lola get up here. You will love this."

Lola grabs her sledge hammer and goes to climb up, but then stops her self. Instinct. This is already probably not the safest pregnancy activity so she is just going to fuck shit up from the ground. She looks to Austin who tips his head and smiles in acknowledgement to her responsible thinking. Ten points to Lola.

She pulls the sledge hammer up above her head and then let's it fall down on the bonnet of the car, when the hammer connects with the metal it leaves a great big dent and sends shock waves through her arms. Chrissy screeches and hops around happly on the roof of the car.

"Now the windows! Do the windows Lola" She sing songs.

Lola goes to stand by the drivers window and brings her hammer up again and then sends it flying with as much force as she can muster up.  The sound of smashing glass is so satisfying.

Chrissy's constant squealing and clapping goads her on so while laughing like the joker she skips around the car stopping at each window to raise then smash down her hammer watching with glee as the glass explodes into the car.

Once all the windows are done what can only be described as a frenzy ensues. Lola starts singing while she connects her hammer to every possible part of the car while Chrissy claps, dances and sings along on the roof of the car.

"If I knew you were comin' I'd've baked a cake,"


"hired a band,"


"for goodness sake"


"If I knew you were comin' I'd've baked a cake,"


"Howdya do, howdya do, howdya do?"


After a while Lola's arms feel like heavy rubber so she stops and steps back. Chrissy jumps down and slings her arm over Lola's shoulders. Both woman inspect their work. Bits of red and yellow plastic from the lights as well as glass and silver paint chips are scattered on the floor around the car. The windscreen wipers and side mirrors buckeld and bent dangling fron the car while the body of the car is a dented and just a sad looking mess. It feels great!

"Good job sister" Chrissy says

"Good job sister" Lola says and bops Chrissy playfully on the nose.

A/N the song Lola is singing is 'If I Knew You Were Comin' I'd've Baked a Cake' by Eileen Barto

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