Chapter four: Tangled

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Still on top of Douxie and freaking out like mad I attempt to at least roll over to the other side of the bed where I'm on a mattress and not Douxie's hot body but as soon as I lift one of my legs I find it to be tangled in the sheets which sends ...

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Still on top of Douxie and freaking out like mad I attempt to at least roll over to the other side of the bed where I'm on a mattress and not Douxie's hot body but as soon as I lift one of my legs I find it to be tangled in the sheets which sends me not only rolling onto the soft bed but off of it a second later and on to the floor.

"SON OF A-" I yell in frustration


"MY ASS" I scream back as Douxie giggles in amusement.

When I finally manage to stand up after landing on my ass all I see is Douxie's longing hazel eyes staring at me.

"Do I have something on my face?" I ask in confusion only for Douxie to shake his head, snap himself out of whatever he was thinking just a moment ago and reply with a "nope nope just uhhhhhhhh looking at the wall?".

"He's lost it" I whisper to Archie who seems to find this all rather amusing.

"Ughh I'm hungry" I say as I walk out the door of Douxie's room but trip and bang my head on the door frame "owwww".

Douxie and Archie still having the time of their lives laughing at my pain continue to go on like hyenas.

Now that I'm tired and pissed and flustered I entered the kitchen and open the fridge to find cake which immediately lifts my spirits meaning I obviously can't resist so I take a rather large slice and sit at the counter to eat.

Not long after I begin eating the slice of delicious, fudgy, rich, mouth-watering, sensational chocolate mud cake a messy looking Douxie walks out of his room with Archie following not too far behind.

He sees the cake I'm eating and ruffles my hair as he walks past.

"You know you aren't supposed to eat cake for breakfast" he says rather softly.

"Yeah and...?"

Douxie laughing again at this grabs a shining silver spork which he uses to start eating from my plate.

"Oiiii vhachs moyy cacke" (Oi that's my cake) I snap with a mouth full of cake clearly unimpressed that someone just stole my food and being the petty person I am I take one more mouthful, give Doux a death glare and walk back to his room with a pout plastered on my face.

Once I'm back in his room I shut the door and get changed into a matching tank top and set of shorts using my magic which sends streams of bright red to engulf my body and transform me from one set of clothes to the other.

After I finish getting changed I climb back into the bed to sleep again. Why I'm literally crawling back into Douxie's bed is beyond me, when I wake up I know I'm going to die knowing that i've woken up in his sheets for a second time.

With Douxie feeling bad about the cake incident he knocks on his bedroom door twice, both times with no answer so he opens the door to find me 'asleep' under the covers.


I walk into my room to find y/n sound asleep in my bed. Wow I can't believe the girl I've had a crush on for ages is asleep in my bed I don't think I can resist temptation anymore so I sit on the edge of my bed yet again stare at her beautiful complexion and think about the fact that without her touch I just feel so empty.

And with that I climb into my bed quietly trying not to wake her and proceed to lie on her like I was doing earlier.

Not long after I make myself comfortable she starts playing with my hair?!

I didn't know that she was awake holy heck I literally just got into bed with her and used her as a human pillow I can even feel my face going red.

Knowing I have to get out of this situation before anyone notices I lift my head up and say "hey lovely sorry about the cake I know you wanted it"

"It's alright I'm just tired and grumpy is all I shouldn't have overreacted it's just cake anyway"

"Maybe, but I still feel bad"

"Don't be" she says with the sweetest smile I have ever seen.

"Oh by the way I probably should have said this earlier but thanks for saving me last night and bringing me back here and of course keeping me warm while I slept" she adds with a very evident smirk on her face.

"Well my dear I wasn't going to leave an injured you by yourself to suffer in the night and wake up alone and besides I also was not going to pass up the opportunity to hold you in my arms all night like I've been wanting to do for years".

Alright my lovlies I hope you enjoyed this chapter I have to say that my heart was dying literally while I was writing this I haven't put down my laptop all day, I've been writing chapter after chapter haha. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think of the fanfic so far and thank you to everyone who has been reading I was literally expecting no views considering there are over 33 thousand other results for Douxie x Reader and yet somehow you guys managed to find mine so it means a lot.

❤❤- Rose

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