With Toby and Nari saved by y/n's powers Douxie comes to her aid as she passes out from exhaustion. He carries her back to his place and confessions and comfort are provided by a beloved Hisirdoux Casperan. However, how will they deal with the after...
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Now waking up in Douxie's bed for a third time I had sort of gotten used to it, that is until I notice the fact that Douxie has hold of me from behind and has one of his legs between mine.
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG I internally scream and tense up completely which Douxie seems to notice already being awake himself and pulls me in even closer which I didn't know was possible and greats me with a "morning lovely" and kiss in the back of my neck sending shivers don my spine.
"Douxie dear, what did I say about sending me to my grave huh?"
"Well I said I was paying for the funeral so now I can do what I want"
"I-" I begin to protest but end up finishing my sentence there making him laugh at me for like the billionth time now.
Knowing that my protesting will get me absolutely no where I turn over to face him, stick my tongue out at him and snuggle into his chest.
"Aww are you pouting" He laughs.
"Shut up or I'm leaving asshole" I snap making him laugh even more.
"OMG HORNBEAM I LEFT HIM WITH CLAIRE AND NOT ENRIQUE" I yell making Douxie jump and Archie wake up. Hornbeam is my familiar and Archie's brother. I met hornbeam on the side of the road when he was all alone when I was in Tokyo because he was somehow separated from his brother so of course I just had to take him in and we have been inseparable ever since.
"Oh my goodness what is he gonna say about us" I wonder allowed.
Not wanting to be apart from my chocolate brown, adorable, little fluffball any longer I jump out of bed, go to the bathroom and throw my hair up in a messy bun, get changed from Douxie's clothes into my usual outfit consisting of denim shorts and a ruby red tank top, walk back into the room to drag Douxie up and call everyone for a meeting so that we can discuss all the events and actions needing to take place.
After all arriving at Jim's place for the meeting Claire walks through the door carrying a sleepy Hornbeam. "BEAM" I squeal in excitement as he transforms into his dragon form and flies into my arms as I spin him around. "Ohhh I missed you" I continue when he reverts back to a cat and sits on my shoulders making everyone giggle.
Now that that's over and done with everyone takes a seat on the sofa as Barbara brings us drinks and cookies. With there not being enough room for everyone some decide to sit on the floor while I decide to sit on Claire, my best friend's lap with Hornbeam in my own.
With everyone settled the meeting begins and we discuss a plan to clean up arcadia and reinstate heartstone trollmarket now that the heartstone is back.
After devising which groups would go where and do what I came to the realisation about the heartstone and decided to voice this immediately. "WAIT" I yell in attempt to get everyone's attention before they leave putting all eyes on me "with the amount of magic that the heartstone produced when the arcane order brought it back to life I have a feeling that a lot of things will change around here due to the energy it produced that day. Unfortunately for us this will make our job a lot harder and I suggest we watch out for any magical beings who have had a seal broken"
"Yes yes this one is right" states Blinky "I will return to troll marked with dubias and Arg to not only clean the place but see what I can salvage of my library so I can research any beings that may have been let loose"
And with that everyone set off to their respective areas of arcadia.
Alright my lovlies that's it for chapter six. I didn't want to do the same as last time and make the chapter super long so I just ended it here. I hope you enjoyed! Also on a quick side note I started an original enemies to lovers book called Hatred is Just Another Form of Love so pleeaasseee go check it out THANK YOUUU and if you are looking for similar books to it I HIGHLY recommend The Girl in Red by g_a_books omg my heart-
Another thing I want to say is T H A N K Y O U!!!!!!!!!! to everyone who has read this book you have no idea how much it means to me. I took up writing as a little hobby on the side and for it to improve my writing skills for English extension at school 😭 and honestly I have fallen in love with it, same with reading (again lmao) I have read four books in the space of three days eijfiuef ok enough rambling don't forget to vote and if you want to see more characters x readers such as camillo madrigla OH MA GAWD THIS PRETTY BOY STOLE MY HEART ahem anyway that or original stories please follow and leave suggestions in conversations.
Credit to Awkward_tortilla, Hornbeam is her original character.