With Toby and Nari saved by y/n's powers Douxie comes to her aid as she passes out from exhaustion. He carries her back to his place and confessions and comfort are provided by a beloved Hisirdoux Casperan. However, how will they deal with the after...
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"Hey there Dal" he says rolling the words off his tongue as he feels my head gently thump onto his shoulder.
"Hwey" I respond with a mouth full of food making him chuckle in the most loving but teasing way.
As I continue to shove food in my mouth Douxie out of boredom begins using his sapphire coloured magic to draw runes on my thigh.
It was like it was his own little way of telling me he was there for me no matter what.
Now that I'd finished my food I was about to get up and throw the plate away but just as I stood up I felt an arm snake it's way around my waist and yank me back down to my seat sending the plate back to 1942.
"Oww" I voice in pain after my butt slammed back into the hard log.
"Sorry love didn't want to let you go" Doux says with the slightest bit of jealousy in his voice.
And from that moment onward his hand never once left my waist. It was placed perfectly under my hoodie so no one could see the fingers currently tracing who knows what on my stomach.
In such a state of tranquillity I couldn't help but partially doze off.
Now being what I could only consider as asleep I expect to finally get some rest but instead I fall into a vision.
Not being able to make out anything in this blurry vision I begin to feel panic well up from inside my chest as I try but fail to wake myself up from whatever this is but I can't, no matter what I do it's like this dream is trapping me here.
In one more futile attempt to escape I scream so loud that I lose my voice and in that moment the blur and darkness of the vision subsides and I'm shown a wonderful and truly magnificent experience where I am part of something huge, something which needs me, something which happens because of me and something that saves so many lives as I truly uncover my power and what it means to be me.
About an hour or so later I'm reluctantly pulled out of the dream by the noise of everyone who decided to call it quits and began heading back home, everyone except Douxie and I that is.
Once we had said our goodbyes to everyone, Douxie stood up and offered his hand to me which I gladly took.
After hoisting me up and right into his arms he uses his magic to start playing some soft and heartfelt music as he grabs my hands and uses them to wrap my arms around his neck.
Time seemed to stand completely still as we gazed into each other's eyes leading to our souls and danced as elegantly as swans on a crystal clear lake while the music played in the background.
"I was thinking about who you are, your delicate point of view... I was thinking about you........"
Hi lovelies I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry for not posting in such a long time I was caught up with school and exams and I had zero motivation to write to the point where I was only uploading chapters I had already written and then when I uploaded all of them I wrote half a chapter which I only finished today- so again I'm so sorry and I hope you enjoy this chapter