Chapter eleven: Expelled guests

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Now back on my feet and off of Douxie's lap I watch as an excited Claire runs around the corner, grabs my hand and yanks me away with her "wh-" I try to say in protest but am cut of when we come to an abrupt stop

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Now back on my feet and off of Douxie's lap I watch as an excited Claire runs around the corner, grabs my hand and yanks me away with her "wh-" I try to say in protest but am cut of when we come to an abrupt stop.

"So, how did it go?" Claire blurts.

"How did what go?"

"You know when you fell on top of Douxie."

"How did yo- waiittt THAT WAS YOU?!"

"Ummmmmm maybe? Tell me! What happened?"

"Oh hell nah sis I aint tellin you after that no way senorita."

"Come on pleassseee."

"Absolutely not now come on we have to ditch these ashes. I MIGHT tell you later just maybe."

"Ugh fiiinnneeeee" Claire finally submits.

Hastily returning to the others I go stand beside Douxie as we watch Toby's group arrive a few seconds after.

As soon as I return to Douxie's side he commences an interrogation beginning with "What was that all about?" but I cut him of by saying "Don't even ask- you don't wanna know, trust me."

And before Douxie can get another word in Aja cuts him off by explaining how they found a huge hole in the middle of Glug's bar which we all find rather concerning and agree to check it out tomorrow.

With those concerns now addressed we return our attention back to the titans ashes.

I unshrink the portal and hand it to Toby who already knows what I was about to ask him and sticks his head right through it to see if the darklands are still intact enough for us to be able to safety hide the ashes there.

A few seconds come to pass and Toby gives us all a thumbs up with his head still in the portal which Jim takes as an invitation to jerk it off of Toby's head and throw back at me.

Catching the portal as it flies through the air and into my hands I activate the dimensional gate and place it on the floor in the centre of everyone who is standing in a fairly large circle

After placing the portal on the floor I release the ashes from my staff and into the air where they combine with one another and float in a singular spot.

Now returning to my respective place in the circle, everyone gets down on one knee and starting with Jim places their hand on a patch of Earth slightly in front of them and sends a torrent of magic towards the ashes creating a gigantic rune circle around all of my team.

Once Arrrgh, the last person places his hand on the floor, the rune circle is complete and activates the full force of everyone's magic by spinning uncontrollably and switching between different runes until it finally lands on one particular set.

The next thing that takes place consists of small piles of ashes being absorbed into each and every rune whilst we gradually stand up, join hands and shrink the circle as a group before sending it into the portal and destroying it once and for all.

Finally accomplishing todays goal we all groan in exhaustion and hunger before concluding that we are all going for fish and chips at the cliff overlooking the city.

Time skip~

Subsequently, I arrived home, prepared some food for Hornbeam who was absolutely starving and took a very long and hot shower.

I was completely covered from head to toe in dirt and sweat it was awful not to mention my hair now looked like a birdsnest.

Much to my dismay I eventually turn the taps off and step out of the shower into the not so hot air and feel a shiver race down my spine.

Ugh I hate this feeling it never gets old does it?

After suffering in the cold for a moment or two I drop my towel that was wrapped around my body on the floor and walk over to my closet where I settle on an oversized jumper and y/f/c pleated skirt which I complement with some gold earrings and black and white vans.

Whilst putting my shoes on I notice the time on my watch that just lit up and hurriedly finish with my shoes, grab my keys off the counter along with my phone and call for Hornbeam who is resting on the couch.

"Come on beam I know you're tired but we have to go meet the others. There's fiisshhh~" I say trying to convince him to come.

"Alright alright I'm coming." he says finally giving in.

And with that he leaps from the couch to the counter and onto my shoulder which seems to be one of his favourite spots.

I subtly laugh at the cat's weakness which apparently isn't so subtle and earns me a wack with his paw but this only makes me laugh harder.

To cut my laughing off though I look at the time on my phone and curse "fuzzbuckets we're late."

Quickly racing out the door, I slam it behind us and begin running towards the forest behind my house which leads to our meeting spot.

Considering night had already fallen I lit a ball of fire in my hand to help us find our way. However, due overutilizing my blood bending earlier I watched in despair as it began to slowly diminish.

Thankfully, Hornbeam had the splendid idea to transform into his dragon form and breathe a fire ball into my hand which reignites my own allowing for us to finally get close enough to the others to see using the light of their fire they had going.

Not wanting to waste anymore time I begin running to the meeting spot and lie flat on the ground in exhaustion just as I arrive.

Since I had just pretty much fallen to the ground I find it fit that I sit up and greet everyone and lucky me turned out to be the last to appear at the gathering.

"Sorry I'm so late I didn't wanna get out the shower" I admit sheepishly which everyone laughs at.

Still feeling tired as hell I walk over to Aja who is sitting on the floor next to Krel and use her lap as my pillow which has Steve rather upset and wingy but as soon as I shot him a death glare he stops and starts rambling "Oh uh nono it's ok I'll just see my girlfriend later it's ok never mind."

Eventually getting silence from the oaf Krel begins talking to me about a new Akiridion tech he is working on and I am completely intrigued, I'm hanging off of his every word in fascination.

"NO WAY REALLY? HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!" I pretty much yell is shock.

And not long after listening to Krel's extraordinarily long explanation I compliment him on his skills and walk over to the fire to grab some food for myself. After fixing a plate I walk over to where Douxie is sitting on a log and take a seat beside him finally feeling his warmth which I craved ever since we left Trollmarket.

Hey yall I'm suuuppppeeerrr sorry for the 3 week gap between chapters I have had so much school work to do and then my actual job as well so I'm kinda suffering atm just bare with me until I can finish a majority of my work. Hope everyone is doing well and I hope you enjoyedddddddd oh and please vote and comment so I know you actually liked it tqqqqq <3

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