With Toby and Nari saved by y/n's powers Douxie comes to her aid as she passes out from exhaustion. He carries her back to his place and confessions and comfort are provided by a beloved Hisirdoux Casperan. However, how will they deal with the after...
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With the Titan's ashes now in our possession we all regroup at the canals readying to enter Heartstone Trollmarket in search of the portal Toby used to peak into the dark lands all the time.
Once Toby's and Nari's group finally arrive I ask them to hold out their hands as I siphon the ashes from the jars they each held and draw them into the centre of my staff.
The metal flower at the top of my staff then encloses them inside which is done with many streams of pure red magic that absorb into the staff and then expel into the air which is followed by a small explosion that sends everyone flying onto their behinds.
Myself, having been thrown the furthest because I was the closest to the explosion end up slamming into the wall that is used for Trollmarket's entry.
As I slumped to the ground feeling extremely nauseas I hear what I believe to be Douxie's voice scream over my name over the loud ringing in both ears but then again I can't really tell considering I probably have a concussion.
With my conscious going in and out I notice that I'm no longer on the floor but in someone's lap who seems to be casting a spell which wraps around every inch of my body, lifts me a few inches into the air and then floats me back down to who I predict to be Douxie.
Now that my head is feeling much clearer than before I assume that Douxie performed a simple healing spell to cure my concussion.
Due to not being completely rid of my concussion yet when everyone comes down to my level and asks if I'm ok at the same time I can't handle it and curl into Douxie's arms who asks everyone to back off until I've regained my bearings again.
After a few seconds of silence I begin to regain my senses and with the help of Douxie am able to stand once again, assure everyone that I'm fine and ask that we continue our mission.
Preparing to have to fight multiple zombie Gumm Gumms we devise a plan stating that Arrgh, Toby, Jim, Varvatos and Aja would be on defence while Steve, Blinky, Claire and Eli would begin cleaning up what was left of Trollmarket and myself, Not Enrique, Krel and NarI would look for the portal as Strickler, Barbara and Douxie went to check on the reawakened heartstone.
In the midst of looking for the glowing dimensional gate, everyone froze but then immediately blurted out laughing when Steve, Blinky and Eli scream at the top of their lungs as Blinky shouts "WHAT IN THE NAME OF MERLIN IS THIS SORCERY? FLYING GNOMES?!"
Followed by "FOR A GOLRIOUS DEATH" from Varvatos.
I promptly assume that being so close to the heartstone when it reawoke is what caused the gnomes to be able to fly but my train of thought is interrupted as Blinky continues his yelling with "MY EYEEESSSSS" but is quickly silenced as Claire sends all the gnomes into the shadow realm.
"Ah thank you ahem I could have done that myself but nonetheless good job" Blinky rambles on.
With that problem now sorted I'm free to continue searching for the portal which I unfortunately have no clue of its whereabouts, for all I know it could have been destroyed in the battle of the Enternal Night.
Even though I have no idea where in the name of Serclose and Galen it is I can't give up, these ancient being's ashes need to be locked up for all of eternity.
As my morale rises I become increasingly more keen to locate the portal and so I run ahead of everyone else to see if it's in the Trollhunter's training ground and much to my surprise it us. "IT'S OVER HEAR" I say, letting the others know.
Unfortunately just as I'm about to snatch it from the ground a Gumm Gumm appears out of nowhere, knocks it off the edge into 'The Deep' and then starts coming after me. In addition to this. something activates the training mechanisms and axes begin swinging at me left right end centre.
Just my luck I say to myself as I resort to jumping off the cliff backwards and falling head first while soaring through the air like an eagle and using my air bending to make a safe landing on the ground which of course doesn't go so well as a Gumm Gumm is pushed off the edge by Arrgh and comes tumbling down with me causing us both to smash against every single rock ledge there is.
"OW, SON OF A BISCUIT!" I yell to no one in particular.
Well now I have a Gumm Gumm to destroy, my deepest fear to face and a missing portal to find. Yay.
Alright my lovelies that's it for this one I hope you enjoyed! Make sure you guys are all taking care of your health and if you ever need anyone to talk to I'd be glad to listen <3