Chapter fifteen: Lost Hope

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Hey everyoneee THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 6K!!!!!! I honestly thought that this story would get like 300 hundred views MAX but to think we reached 6k is insane. Thank you so much for reading my story and leaving comments and voting on chapters it really means so much to me. I hope you all had a lovely new years!! Here's chapter 15!! Hope you enjoy <3

WARNING: there is some vulgar language in this chapter

Douxie's POV

Looking at her phone shaking in my hand my breaths start to waver and I begin to panic. I can't think of what to do so I just walk in random directions shouting her name as the tears start to stain my face.

After almost 20 minutes of wandering aimlessly to no avail I call Jim and pray that he might have some idea of what could have happened to her.

"Doux? Hey what's up?" Jim answers

"It's... y/n she's, she's gone".

"What? What do you mean she's gone?"

"She was supposed to come back to my house but she, she took too long so I went to to find her but she wa-wasn't there and there was b-blood all on the floor and her phone was smashed".

"WHAT?! It's ok calm down, come to my house now I'll get everyone"

"Th-thanks" I manage to spit out and hang up.

With everyone finally here and sat down, Jim asks "ok Doux tell us everything that happened from start to finish."

"We were walking home from the place we were all at back to my house but she said she had to go get some things but when she didn't come back I went looking for her a-and that's when I saw blood all over the street and her phone smashed with 57 missed calls from me. She, she's gone!" I yell.

"Hey we don't know that for sure", Claire reassures me.

"For all we know she fought with a sentinel and broke her phone in the process that might not even be her blood", she continues.

"I checked", I trail off "It's hers."

Everyone exchanges worried glances as fear takes over their thoughts.

"Ok" Jim says. "Let's split in to teams and start looking for her, she can't have gone too far in the given amount of time. Toby, Arrgh, Blinky you go to troll market and see if she went back there to dispose of a sentinel which may have injured her. Aja, Krel, Eli and Steeve go cover the abandoned titans incase she was brought there. Claire, Douxie your with me. We're going to go back to where she last was."

With everyone having been assigned their tasks we all headed out and all I could do was hope that someone would find her.

Claire, Jim and I finally made it back to the corner of the street where y/n's fresh blood still lay in a dark pool on the crumbled road and Jim and I began combining out powers together in order to create a trail we could follow using her blood that could lead us to her.

Jim held his amulet which levitated in his palm and begin spinning so fast it looked like it was moving in a slow motion blur as I grabbed my staff and chanted some ancient incantations.

Once I was done we both thrust our amulet and staff in the air in the direction of the almost unnoticeable trail of blood.

Our magic combined tore through the air and lit up a path for us to follow in a deep fluorescent blue.

"Let's go", said Claire.

Jim and I began following her.

After over an hour of following the trail I was increasingly becoming restless. Where is she? Where is she?! I kept thinking. How in the name of Seklos and Gaylen did she get this far.

Out the corner of my eye I witnessed Claire and Jim swap questioning glances. I could tell they didn't think we'd find her like this but what could I do I couldn't just stop!

Along the way we'd gotten calls from Toby and Blinky who'd gone with Arrgh to troll market saying they hadn't found her and I could feel my hope slowly diminishing.

It's almost been two hours of walking to the middle of nowhere and I couldn't help thinking that we'd lost her.

Just as the thought crossed my mind I looked up from the ground to see how much further this path would take us and thinking I was seeing things I rubbed my eyes and looked again.

Panic struck me like a brick wall and my breathing once again went out of control.

"It's gone!" I yelled back to Claire and Jim

"What's gone?" replied Jim

"The trail it-it's gone there's nothing left to follow!" I exclaimed when my phone started ringing. It was Aja.

"Aja! please tell me you guys found something!", I plead.

"No, I'm sorry", she replied "There's no sign of y/n here".

"FUCK", I scream and slam my phone on the floor.

"Hey, calm down man we'll find her", Jim said putting his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me.

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN" I retorted throwing his hand off my shoulder "SHE'S GONE" I screamed, my voice breaking.

Y/n's POV

"AAGH!" I scream as I feel my back slam into a dense rock wall of the cell I was just thrown into by my unknown assailant.

When I woke up half way through my journey to wherever I am now my vision was blocked by a black mask shoved over my face so I couldn't see where we were going.

Still being unable to see anything I slump down against the wall I'm leaning on and I can feel the dried blood on the back of my neck start to peel off as fresh blood begins to run down the back of my head causing nausea to take over my senses.

"Douxie" I whisper.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2024 ⏰

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