Chapter thirteen: Test

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Hey everyoneee!! I apologise for not posting in a really long time

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Hey everyoneee!! I apologise for not posting in a really long time. I had honestly given up on the series and was going to leave it at chapter 12 but when I logged back in and saw how many more people had read my work as well as the requests for a new chapter I decided to continue. Here you go, I hope you enjoy!

As we swayed back and forth to the moderate beat of the music I lifted my head off his chest and looked up into his eyes. I gently took my arms that were draped around his neck and wrapped them into his soft and comforting hair.

"What's wrong love?" Douxie asked me with a slight concern in his eyes.

"Nothing" I responded "I just...... I feel so... at ease when I'm with you. Like I can do anything with you without freaking out about revealing my feelings or worrying about scaring you off. It's just so comforting to have someone who my heart longs for." I finished while burying my head into his neck.

"Hey beautiful" Douxie trailed off "you know you are my whole world" he continued as he pulled me in even tighter and hugged me.

After staying in this position for at least 10 minutes I suggest "We should probably be getting back you know. It's almost 11pm."

"mmm.", he responded with reluctance.

"Come on. The cats are waiting at home probably imagining some random scenario about what were doing here which I'm sure we'll hear all about."

"10 more minutes" Douxie mumbled

I let out a small giggle in response

"Oh? Funny is it?" he replied in a menacing tone. "How's this for fun?" he continued as he began tickling me to the point of my eyes watering.

"S-stop ok ok I give.. I give in you win I'm... sorry-" I blurt out in chunks while still squirming in his grasp.

"Mhm that's what I thought" he states proudly while hoisting me over his shoulder

"AYE! What do you think you're doing?! Put me down this instant!" I demand

"Sorry love" he quickly counters

"I can walk perfectly fine by myself thank you and what will people think if they see us like this!"

"They can mind their own business"


"Not buts, now stop flailing unless you want both of us to faceplant the floor", He finishes.

I give up in defeat and use my elbows on his back to prop my head up so I can actually see.

As we turn around the final corner to Doux's place I explain how I need to grab a few things from my house if I was going to sleep at his again.

"I'll come with you" he offers

"No. I'll be fine I promise. I just have to sort a few things." I say shutting him down which puts a solemn look on his face. "I promise I wont be long. You won't even know I'm gone." I reassure him.

"Fine" he submits. "Be careful"

"I will" I claim as I place a delicate kiss on the corner of his mouth and begin walking away.

As much as I was in love with Doux, being a very independent person I still needed time to myself and I couldn't wait to go home and have a nice long soak in the bath while listening to my favourite playlist.

Just as I'm about to reach the gate to my front yard I feel a presence emerge behind me and begin to encroach on my space but just as I was about to whip my head around to get a visual on my follower and assume a fighting stance I feel something extremely dense land a blow on the back of my skull followed by the sensation of thick warm blood trickling down the nape of my neck as I witness my vision blur and the ground become much closer than I remember it.

-Rose ❤❤

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