Chapter five: Overdue Confessions

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HE WHAT?! Woah woah woah woah hang on Douxie, THE DOUXIE, the one I've had a crush on for almost 2 years now HAS LONGED TO HOLD ME IN HIS ARMS?! But I thought he didn't even like me in that way I mean why would he I'm nothing special. I say to myself immediately doubting my personal aspects knowing that Douxie deserves someone far better than the likes of me.

I've been through heartbreaks before and all of them more or less lead to being error on my end like I'm not pretty enough or I'm too overbearing and what not. I know this isn't what Douxie wants.

"Y/n... Y/n... YN!" Douxie screams at me.

"Huh? What? Who died?" I respond frantically.

"Y/n..." Douxie says as he gets up a little and plants a loving kiss on my forehead.

"Darling... why are you crying" he questions softly.

"I'm crying?" I say allowed as Douxie nods and I look down to see my top stained in tears full of despair and self doubt"

"Oh I uh it's nothing it's just that I've liked you ever since we landed in Camelot Doux and it rips my heart to shreds every time I see you even remotely hurt so I can't even imagine losing you but I have nothing to offer. I know that there are others out there who are much better than me and will have more to offer like better looks or- or more bearable personalities and what not" I ramble on sending more tears down my face which only seem to put a sympathetic look on Douxie's face.

"Y/n L/n I fell in love with you and no one else ok? No one is better than you because there is only one you" Douxie confesses and wraps me into a protective hug which has me completely balling.

"Now come one lovely go get ready I want to take you somewhere" he continues which mildly confused me but I wipe my tears away and go with it anyway.

Now that I'm all dressed up in a sage green jumpsuit as majestic as the amazon and heels as power bringing as a Queen I walk into the kitchen for a second time today to find Douxie also dressed up and 'whispering' to Archie about what seems to be dancing?

Noticing that they hadn't yet acknowledged my existence I cleared my throat which sent the two sky high and shut them up on the spot.

Out of curiosity I questioned "what were ya talking about?"

"Um uh I was uh talking about" and after a long pause of silence "FOOD! yeah food Ar-Archie said he was hungry"

"I did?" replied Archie

"Yeah you did remember" snorted Douxie with an elbow to his familiar's side.

"Oh umm yeah food I'm hungry" Says Archie trying to save the secret.

Not wanting to pry I just settle for an "uh huh..." and grab my bag off the counter after converting my staff into a bracelet similar to Douxie's with runes covering its surface but of course a lot smaller as my magic focussed on elemental control so I could only perform a few spells like Douxie's and Merlin's but of course not of the same calibre.

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