Chapter 10 Watching the Training

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Chapter 10 Watching the Training 

Soon Braelynn’s phone went off and it was time for her to get changed. Braelynn turned to Oaklyn and Zaylee “I’m sorry but I have to go and see the training session” explained Braelynn. Braelynn then let Zaylee and Oaklynn go first and then locked her office making sure she had everything she needed.  Zaylee and Oaklyn walked Braelynn to the training area. 

Once Braelynn got to the training she sat at the back away from everything and secluded and just watched the training session. While the training was going on Braelynn made notes. Braelynn watched the training session wrote down notes she had a lot of notes she noticed one of them needed one-to-one to help them learn. Braelynn went and got Quinn and pointed out the ones that needed one on one training and asked if she could be the one to train them.

 Quinn nodded her head and then took her to the area and to the warrior training them as they walked through she saw a person training them all wrong and whispered this to Quinn. Quinn turned to Braelynn “this is going be your trainees all of them” whispered Quinn. Braelynn nodded as a response. 

Quinn introduced Braelynn to the trainers Kayden, Kai, and Kayla. Braelynn shook their hands and Kayla pulled Braelynn aside and told her to stay away from Oaklyn and Zaylee. Braelynn ignored her and turned her attention to Quinn. Braelynn stayed with Quinn until it was time to go home with her dad. Braelynn got her stuff and met her dad at the car. “Hey Dad, I need to go in earlier tomorrow do you want to come with me or go by yourself,” asked Braelynn. “I will come with you” responded Braelynn. 

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