Chapter 15 Braelynn gets ready to babysit

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Chapter 15 Braelynn gets ready to babysit

Braelynn walked back to her office with Zaylee, Oaklyn, Quinn, Scarlett, and Vienna. Once they arrived at the office. “We will leave you three to it,” said Scarlett and then pulled Quinn and Vienna with her. Once they went, Braelynn opened her office door and let Zaylee and Oaklyn. 

Braelynn then started to clean her office while talking to Zaylee and Oaklyn. 

Braelynn soon was done and it was time to meet her dad before going home on time for dinner. Zaylee and Oaklyn lead Braelynn down to the door. 

“I will see you tomorrow,” Braelynn told them. Oaklyn and Zaylee then closed the door and went up to their room. Braelynn walked to her car and waited for her dad. 

Braelynn got in the car once her dad arrived. 

“Pa, is it okay for Oaklyn and Zaylee to come over to watch a movie while I am babysitting?” asked Braelynn. Daniel looked at Braelynn, “of course you still okay to babysit” asked Daniel. “Yes, pa I am,” Braelynn told him. 

Braelynn then drove them home once getting there Braelynn went to her mom who was in the kitchen cooking their dinner.

 “Ma,” said Braelynn, “yes Braelynn,” said Dinah. “Why was it important for Zaylee and Oaklyn to show me things? They got in trouble today for not telling me I could eat with them” asked Braelynn. “Your father was the same. They don’t want to share with you but soon they will,” said Dinah. Braelynn looked at her Ma confused. “Your dad got me pregnant on our honeymoon. You're only just over a month away from you getting married,” said Dinah. Braelynn nodded and said she was happy she talked to her mom. 

Braelynn then went and got Brooklyn for dinner and got the boys. Braelynn knew whatever she would go she would never leave her family. They were the only ones she got and she wouldn’t have it any other way. 

Once everyone was at the table, Dinah and Daniel brought out dinner. Braelynn liked that she always got a homemade meal from her mom. Once everyone had dinner and got ready for bed they watched Luca. Once the movie was over Brooklyn was asleep on Braelynn and the boys were dozing. The boys were sent to bed while Daniel got Brooklyn off of Braelynn’s chest to take her to bed. Braelynn then went to bed to get ready for tomorrow. 

Soon the morning arrived Braelynn went to the shop with Braelynn while her mom and dad had quality time with the boys. Once at the supermarket, she saw Scarlett doing her shopping. 

Once Scarlett spotted Braelynn. Scarlett went over to her “hey Braelynn what are you doing here and who is this cutie?” said Scarlett. “Hi, Scarlett and this Brooklyn” answered Braelynn. Scarlett knew they had a little child but didn't know they had one this young. Brooklyn looked young for her age but Braelynn looked the same before she had a growth spurt at age 14. 

Braelynn carried on with her shopping with Scarlett. Once Braelynn had got everything she needed, she went to the checkout with Scarlett following. 

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