Chapter 11 Braelynn starts Training

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Chapter 11 Braelynn starts Training

Braelynn and Daniel got home and went in to find dinner on the table and them waiting. “You haven’t been waiting long have you,” asked Daniel. “No I have just dished it up” replied Dinah. Daniel and Braelynn nodded their heads and sat down and they all started to tuck into the meal. They choose to have meatloaf today everyone dug in. soon everyone was in bed even Braelynn who chose to have an early night. 

Braelynn chose to get up at 5 am and have a run before getting ready for the day. Braelynn chose to run 4 miles. 

Braelynn then got in the shower and then chose to wear black jeans and a redshirt. Braelynn then would get changed at the office before the training session. 

Braelynn then went downstairs and packed her lunch before sitting down and having her breakfast. Braelynn then waited for Daniel which he came down ten minutes after her. Daniel and Braelynn then left for work. Daniel decided to get some training in on the ones he was training before it got busy. 

Soon Braelynn was changed and ready for training. Braelynn was meeting Quinn down at the training center. 

Once Braelynn got there she saw Quinn already there and speaking to Kai, Kayden, and Kayla. Once Quinn had finished talking to them and then called Braelynn and dismissed them three. 

The Trainees were confused about what was going on. 

“Gather around guys,” said Quinn, “this is Braelynn and she will be training you from now on and some of you will get one-to-one training with her to advance your skills” explained Quinn. “I will leave you in her capable hands see you at lunchtime” stated Quinn. Quinn then turned and left. 

Braelynn turned to the trainee’s “let’s get started shall we” said Braelynn. There were ten trainees.

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