Chapter 17 Braelynn, Zaylee, and Oaklyn go on a date

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Chapter 17 Braelynn, Zaylee, and Oaklyn go on a date 

Braelynn woke up with sunlight streaming in. Braelynn turned to look at her phone and saw a message from Zaylee. Braelynn sat up in her bed and looked at her phone. Braelynn then unlocked her phone and opened her messages and clicked on Zaylee. The text message said to be ready for 7 pm, we are taking you on a proper date. Braelynn smiled as she had never been on a date before. 

Braelynn then got ready for the day and ran down and found her mom on her own in the kitchen. “Ma-Ma” shouted Brealynn. “Yes Braelynn,” said Dinah, “I have a date,” Braelynn told her mom. Dinah pulled Braelynn into a hug and “I’m so proud of you” stated Dinah. Dinah couldn't believe how much Braelynn had grown since moving to this new pack just 2 weeks ago. 

Braelynn and Dinah talked while Dinah made breakfast. Dinah told Braelynn she would help her get ready. Dinah knew that her daughter didn't do dress but she did do natural makeup. Dinah knew that her daughter should wear her black jeans with her pink shirt. 

In a blink of an eye, Braelynn was getting ready for her date. Braelynn took a shower and washed her hair before blow-drying. Braelynn had a pixie haircut, Braelynn then got dressed in black jeans with a pink shirt and with black boots. Braelynn then wears a heart necklace and matching earrings. Dinah then did just enough natural make and it looked beautiful. Braelynn was ready and waiting for 6.45 pm. 

Soon there was a knock at the door and Daniel went and opened the door and there stood Zaylee. “Hi Daniel, I am here to pick up Braelynn,” expressed Zaylee. Daniel nodded and then Braelynn came to the door and Zaylee and Oaklyn looked gobsmacked. “See you soon pa,” said Braelynn. 

Braelynn then got in the car behind Zaylee. Oaklynn turned to Braelynn “you look beautiful Braelynn” stated Oaklyn “thank you, you both look beautiful too” replied Braelynn. Oaklyn was wearing a flowery dress and Zaylee was wearing blue jeans and a black top. 

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