Chapter 16 Braelynn and Mates watch a movie

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Chapter 16 Braelynn and Mates watch a movie

Soon Braelynn was loading up the car. Braelynn put Brooklyn in her car seat before saying goodbye to Scarlett and getting in the car herself. Braelynn was soon back at the house, upon arrival Braelynn saw that Toyato had gone indicating that Dinah and Daniel had taken her other siblings out for the day before Dinah and Daniel went for their date. Braelynn got Brooklyn in and put her in the playroom before getting the bag out of the boot.

Braelynn spent some time playing with Brooklyn. Braelynn soon was getting the dinner ready when her mom and dad came through the door with her siblings. Dinah and Daniel kissed Braelynn and Brooklyn's head and excused themselves to go and get ready for their date. Braelynn then put the pizza, chicken nuggets, and chips in the oven to cook. Braelynn then placed platters out that they were having a real dinner in front of the tv and movie night.

Soon Daniel and Dinah were ready and heading out of the door but not before they kissed all the kids and made sure Braelynn was okay. Braelynn assured her mom and dad that they would be fine.

Soon they were eating while watching Frozen, when they finished their dinner they all went and put their PJs on. Braelynn bathed Brooklyn while everyone was getting changed. Once everyone was back in the Cinema room the doorbell went off. Braelynn got up and answered it. Braelynn smiled when she opened the door and found her mates. Braelynn widened the door and let her mates in. On their way back to the cinema room they got snacks and drinks. Braelynn then put Zooplia on to watch. Soon the boys were nearly asleep and Brooklyn was asleep on Braelynn's chest like normal. Braelynn then ushered her siblings to bed.

Braelynn got the baby monitor and then went back to her mates and they chose to watch The Amazing Spider-Man. Braelynn sat with her back against the sofa arm with Zaylee back against her chest and Oaklyn in Zaylee's arms. They stayed like that until Braelynn's parents got back at 2 am. Braelynn then showed her mates to the door and gave them both a kiss on the checks, Braelynn then went to her room after making sure the house was secure.

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