Chapter 30 Packing Braelynn's Room

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It was the day to start packing up Braelynn's belongings. They started with Braelynn’s bedroom. Braelynn was moving her things into Zaylee and Oaklyn’s room at the castle. They also good Brealynn another room for her art and musical instruments, 

Braelynn was scared and anxious because she was about to leave her family and the only family she knows. 

Braelynn was also excited to go on this new chapter of her life with her two mates. 

Braelynn and her mom were having fun packing up the boxes. Braelynn wanted to give her mom the world and for Braelynn that would never change. 

Braelynn wanted to talk to her mates and ask them if they could do a day where they would go to her family for dinner. Before they knew it all of the Braelynns belongings in her room were inboxes. Braelynn and Dinah stood there and took it all in.

 They still had her wardrobe, bathroom, and study to do and then they needed to go to the shop and get more gym equipment because Quinn is giving her another room for her private gym. 

Soon it was nighttime and Daniel was back with the rest of the kids. Braelynn and Dinah had packed her bathroom, wardrobe, and part of the study. They had the rest of the study to do put they stopped for the day. They just had part Braelynn study to do and to go to the shop. It was 5 days until the wedding. 

Braelynn was starting to get excited. Braelynn was marrying her mates and she was ready to start her own family but she was sad to leave her family even though they are only a short away from her family. They then did their night routine and then everyone went to bed

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