Chapter 22 Third Date

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Chapter 22 Third Date 

Once Braelynn arrived home from the castle parked the car got Adryan out and then Brooklyn out. Brooklyn layed her head on Braelynn’s shoulder. Braelynn opened the door and let Adryan lead the way in the house. They found their siblings and family in the family room. Adryan ran to their parents and was chatting away with them. Braelynn smiled she was glad he liked the day they had. 

Dinah was the first to notice Braelynn “how was it” asked Dinah. “It was good we all had fun and I’m taking Zaylee and Oaklyn on our third date” explained Braelynn. Dinah turned to Daniel and smiled there daughter was getting more confident with her mates. 

Braelynn then handed Brooklyn to her mom so she could have a cuddle with her daughter.

Braelynn tried to escape her siblings and parents but she wasn't that lucky Daniel pulled her on his lap. “You may be growing up but you are my baby girl and will always be. 

Braelynn smiled at Daniel's comments. Braelynn knew that when she got married to Zaylee and Oaklyn that her family will always be a big part of her. 

Braelynn then escaped and started planning their third date and she decided to do an arcade date and a walk on the pier. 

Braelynn then texted Zaylee and Oaklyn and encrypted the text message. 

Braelynn then went downstairs and had the rest of the day as a family day. Braelynn then had an early night.

Soon it was time for Braleynn to get ready for her date. Braelynn decided to take her car today. Braelynn hoped that Zaylee and Oaklyn would enjoy this. Braelynn was soon ready, Braelynn chose black jeans and a white shirt. Braelynn was ready to go and get Zaylee and Oaklyn. Soon Braelynn arrived at the castle. Braelynn then knocked on the door and Quinn answered “they will be out in a minute” said Quinn. Braelynn then talked to Quinn while she was waiting for her dates. Soon Zaylee and Oaklyn made an appearance. Braelynn smiled when she saw Zaylee and Oaklyn they looked amazing. Braelynn then lead Zaylee and Oaklyn once everyone was in the car. Braelynn then drove to the arcade and pier. “Where are we going” asked Zaylee. “It's a surprise” replied Braelynn. Soon Zaylee and Oaklyn were in shock when they saw where they were going they both looked at Braelynn “thank you” said Oaklyn. Oaklyn couldn't believe Braelynn remembered she loved arcades and the pier. 

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