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Author's Note:

Hi readers!! It's lemon back with another smutty fic - this time? LIGHT YAGAMI! 

And L! (づ ՞ਊ ՞ )づ

Because L is my fave!

Anyway, please read the trigger warnings in the description before proceeding! This story is about a semi-toxic relationship and has flashbacks at the start of every chapter that has some pretty graphic little stories and can be unsettling! There's an illuding to childhood abuse too so just be careful, please!

Otherwise yes, I hope you all enjoy this rather short smutty story hehe

Let me know what you think! Unless it's negative, then I could care less ( •_•)

Love 🍋 


Flashback - Age 6

"I can't reach it, Light!" You squealed with a giggle as your arm stretched up through the branches for the plump fruit hidden in the leaves. Your small shoes crunched against the bark of the tree's arm below, any second now it was bound to break.

"You're almost there, Y/n!" Light's voice called from his position on the picnic blanket. Quickly, you glanced at him, your tongue poking out between your lips in concentration. His eyes were fluttered shut, his straight brown hair settled around his head. You wanted to get this apple for him.

You turned your attention back to the red apple that was mere centimetres away from your fingertips. Just a little closer. You inched slowly up the tree, eager to grab it.

Finally, you grasped it and ripped it triumphantly from its place, and simultaneously, the branch below you cried out. You felt your body jerk towards the floor, and a loud scream left your mouth as you fell. Before your body made harsh contact with the ground below, Light had stood up and caught you in a tight embrace, holding you close to him by your bright blue dress.

A gentle gasp left your lips once you realised you were safe from harm, and you couldn't stop the fat tears that slipped down your cheeks. Instead, you hugged him closer by his neck, much to his avail, the apple clutched tightly in your left hand.


Present Day

A loud huff slipped through your lips as you collapsed clumsily onto the peeling leather couch, your entire body aching. The apartment reeked of lemon-scented bleach, with a hint of lavender from the cheap air freshener you bought this morning. There wasn't a single speck of dust to be found, thanks to your vigorous deep cleaning and scrubbing of every surface. The windows to your left, adjacent to the small tv, were open, letting in bright yellow sunlight from the beautiful day outside. You couldn't appreciate it though, it was too hot in here, and you couldn't help the sweat that lingered on your body from the cleaning.

Lazily, you stood up and checked the time.

4:34 pm.

Light would be home soon. He had just spent the last year studying abroad in Australia, and because of the time zones and his busy schedule, you hadn't been able to call him or text him much at all. The thought of him being in the same room as you again, set off a swarm of butterflies in your abdomen.

It was obvious you loved Light. You knew that, he knew that. The neighbour's mum knew that. But he made it clear that he didn't feel the same way. Last you heard, he was still dating Misa. Admittedly, it felt like you'd been kicked in the chest when you found out because she was your childhood bully, but him simply being in your life was enough.

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