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It had been about three months since you started your new life at L's place, and you were finally starting to feel as if your world had brightened. You had started to get along well with Ryuk, Rem and Sayu, and you were closer than ever with L. 

Your feelings for L had definitely intensified, and most days you both would have passionate sex. You barely ever thought of Light anymore, only when you were laying in bed long after L had fallen asleep, wondering how he was doing. 

You often wondered if he missed having you around. Even though L had started filling in the cracks Light had left in your heart, you still wondered what your life would be like now if you had stayed. His contact was still in your phone, and the aching feeling to text him had only just started to subside. You were grateful for it though, it seemed to make your life a lot less complicated. 

"We are gonna be late," Ryuk whined from the door frame as you, Sayu and Rem occupied various areas of his room. There was a party tonight, and you three had spent the last few hours getting ready. It would be your last official college party before you graduated next week, and you girls had decided you would make it special. 

Even Rem was getting dressed up, which showed how important this was for everyone. 

You weren't even sure of the address, but you knew it was hosted by someone out of town to accompany at least five hundred students. It had been a while since you had gone out to such a big party, but the nerves mixed with the shot you girls had taken earlier, made an excited shiver run through your blood. 

"Almost finished," you said as you touched up your waterline with more black liner. When you were finished, you sniffled and sat back from the mirror to admire your work. 

You had picked out a short, blood-red and black shimmery dress for tonight. To match your elegant attire, you had your curled hair parted off to the side, a black shadow on your lids, and a dark brown on your lips. The only thing that threw your outfit off, were the black hightop converses on your feet, but you had chosen comfort over style. 

"I was finished ages ago," Rem grunted from her position on the bed, and you smiled at her in the mirror. She looked gorgeous tonight; her hair was slicked back, and she wore a beautiful white wrap dress with dainty flats on her feet. Her outfit was simple, but this was big for Rem, and you knew she would definitely be turning heads with her tall, curvy physique. 

As for Sayu, she kept it simple but classy. A baby blue pencil skirt with a white frilly blouse and black heels. She had long, thin liner extending her eyes, and shimmery gloss, but it matched her wavy hair beautifully. 

You were happy to call these girls your friends. You loved their elegance and introverted-ness, but they weren't prudes or snooty. They were just themselves, and you appreciated that. 

"Uber's here," L announced from out in the hallway, and you felt your heart rate accelerate. You were excited to see his reaction to your outfit, so you were the first to stand up and grab your things to meet him out front. 

"Right on time," he offered over his shoulder as a dark van pulled up at the mailbox. But when he saw you, he did a double-take, his eyes everywhere but your face. 

"Last party of college!" Ryuk hooted as he jogged past you to the car, the girls in tow. Thankfully, no one had noticed L's stare or the blush that had started to spread over your chest. 

"Come on," you said quietly, biting back a smile as you stepped toward the car with L's hand in yours. He didn't say a word, not even when you slid into the seat next to him. You didn't meet his gaze, but you could tell it was on your face now. His reaction was exactly how you hoped. 

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