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Flashback - Age 14

It was springtime and you and Light were at the park again; the same one with the butterfly grave. You stopped visiting here for a while after that happened, but as you got older, you saw that what Light did was actually necessary, and you stopped blaming him for it. 

You were seated on the bench, your bare shoulders being caressed by the cool wind as the hem of your floral dress flittered gently along your legs. The clouds shielded the sun from you for a moment before crawling out of the way, allowing its gentle rays to beat down. You sighed, grateful it was the holidays and you hadn't seen anyone from school yet. 

Besides Light. 

He was kicking a ball around by himself and you were enjoying the scenery. A few kids were on the playground; kids a lot younger than you so you didn't have to worry. 

As if Satan himself could hear your thoughts, you heard the familiar sound of wheels along concrete and a group of boys skated down the pathway towards the park. You suddenly wished you were wearing something that didn't expose too much skin, which showed as you tried to pull the hem of your dress down. 

The boys were in your grade, and for the most part, hadn't caused you much grief. Not like Misa and her friends had. They rolled by you on their boards and scooters, barely noticing you as they headed for the bike racks. Your eyes scanned the field for Light, who was still kicking the ball about twenty metres away, and you quickly got up to go over to him. 

"Y/n!" The boys started calling out to you, but you ignored them as you sped up your pace, desperate to be near Light. They kept calling out, and you heard footsteps rush behind you, so you started running; grateful you still wore your converses despite the dress. 

Light perked up and stopped kicking the ball, instead, he held it under his foot and put his hands on his waist, eyeing the boys as they followed you over. You shot him a nervous glance, and he smiled. 

"What's the problem?" Light asked, grabbing your hand and pulling you closer to him. You blushed but allowed him to guide you to his side before shyly looking up at the six or so boys that smiled at you. 

"Sorry, we didn't realise you two were a thing," the head guy apologised, and Light made a 'hm' sound. You looked at him and saw his face was blank. 

"Go away," Light said, rolling the ball behind him with his foot before standing confidently. The head guy, his name was Takuo, held his hands up defensively with a confused expression on his face. You were even confused by Light's harsh tone but didn't question it because it seemed to work. The guys turned around awkwardly and walked back to the park. 

"Thank you," you squeaked, and he shrugged, turning around to grab his ball. You watched as he began walking back to the bench. You quickly headed off to the toilet block, making sure to check every toilet stall before picking the one furthest away from the entrance. 

You didn't even need to go, you were just embarrassed and needed some space. You shut the lid and sat down, bringing your knees up. 

You were there for a few minutes, focusing on your breathing before you got up and left the stall. You let out a loud squeak when you saw Tukuo standing in the stall next to you, staring at you in the mirror. 

"What are you doing?" You whispered, too frightened to move. He smirked and stepped out of the cubicle, his big frame lingering in the doorway, stopping you from leaving. His eyes glinted down at you, and you felt your stomach churn. 

You saw something behind him, but before it registered, the familiar sound of a lighter scratching to light sounded in the bathroom, and Tukuo's ashy brown hair was bright orange in a vicious flame, and his yell echoed off the glass mirrors. 

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