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"Where are you going?" You groggily asked as you felt Light leave the bed. You tried to open your eyes, but they were so heavy, you opted to just listen for his response. You heard him pull on his clothes and buckle up his belt before he answered. 

"I'm going to Misa's," he said, and you frowned as you finally opened your eyes. Something in your chest hurt as you watched him open the door and shut it behind him, without so much as a goodbye. 

You were tempted to run after him to say your final goodbye, but you decided that this was the end. You got your goodbye last night, it would be best to remember that than him walking out. 

To distract yourself, you got up and took a shower before dressing in a classic crop-top and some sweats. You tied up your wet hair before sliding on your socks and shoes, preparing yourself for a busy day. 

You pulled on your two bags full of clothes before you struggled to lean down for the duffle bag. Once you were upright, you fished your phone out of your pocket and dialled L's number. It rang out, and you huffed before deciding to just catch a bus or something to his place. 

You were certain he would let you stay. 

You wheezed as you stepped onto the pavement of the street outside the apartment building, and hollered at an approaching cab. As the driver helped you boot up your stuff, you found yourself staring longingly at the skyrise. You hoped Light would still be a big part of your life. 

The seatbelt felt tight across your chest, but you bore it as the driver neared the street of L's flat. You were desperate to see him; you needed a sense of familiarity. As the cab rolled up the curb, you thanked him and departed the vehicle as gracefully as you could. 

The sky was darker now, and you briefly dwelled on exactly how fast the weather could change. It was moderately sunny at your old apartment, but now thick, miserable clouds grumbled in the distance, and you knew you would be soaked if you stayed out here for too much longer. 

The curtains were drawn on the curtains of L's place, but you knew he was home from Kira being parked in the cracked driveway. 

You brought a hesitant hand up to the cedar wood door and knocked several times. Your heart was in your throat at this point; would L let you stay? You checked your phone, he hadn't responded to your texts or missed calls. You heard your blood in your ears, your mouth went dry. 

The door trembled as the deadbolt was undone from the other side, and L opened it wide enough for him to stand in the frame. You peered up at him with a nervous smile, hoping you wouldn't have to explain too much. You hoped he could see it on your face.

"I tried to call," you offered quietly once you saw his confused expression through his bruised face. Luckily, the swelling had already gone down more than yesterday. It was mostly discolouration and scrapes, but it didn't look as painful. 

He didn't say anything, he just stepped out of the way and nodded into his place. You nibbled your lip as you reached down and looped your fingers through the duffle bag straps. He took it off your hands as soon as you stepped inside, and you let out a relieved sigh. 

"We don't have any spare rooms, so is it okay if you stay with me?" He asked quietly as he lead you deeper into the crowded flat; passed posters and plants, along ugly rugs and under outdated light shades. You eyed everything as a means to remember your way around. L briefly gave you a tour on the way to his room but left you alone once you stepped onto the flat carpet of his space. 

"Pizza for dinner, is that okay?" He said as he leaned on the door frame, his hands crossed along his broad chest. Tight black jeans hung from his hips, which hugged his lean legs and stopped short of his bare feet. You noticed his light grey long-sleeved shirt before you met his gaze with a small smile. 

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