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Before you and L left the party, you both had some more of the free booze and ate as many lollies as you could. By the time you had reached the uber, you both were stumbling, laughing messes.

Even in your drunken state, being like this with L reminded you of the best time in your relationship. Before sex and complications came into the mix. Before Light had come back.

You had your head in L's lap as the street lights whizzed past and invaded the inside of the quiet uber. L's fingers played with your hair, brushing out the hairspray and ridiculous mousse until it was somewhat smooth again. You had a small smile on your face the entire ride home as you nuzzled further into his lap.

Both of you had managed to make it into the flat without tripping, but L stubbed his foot on the couch as you tried to sneak into the bedroom. He let out a grunt before a hiss of pain, and you swung around with seedy eyes and a stupid grin.

"You idiot L," you giggled, swaying in your place. You saw him stand up and smile through the pain as he hopped over to you, ushering you back into the room. Somehow, you managed to sprint into the bathroom and flick on the shower, doing a small dance as you stripped out of your clothes and kicked them into the corner on the second attempt.

"Look at your sexy ass," you heard L hoot from the bedroom, and you shook it jokingly. What you weren't expecting, was L to come into the bathroom a second later and put his hand on it.

"Oh?" You grinned, leaning over the sink as he began rubbing it, his eyes on your face in the mirror with a lazy smile. He gave it a rough smack before telling you to get into the shower and to stop wasting water. You gave him a pout but stepped into the shower, appreciating how the water sobered you up a bit.

L hopped in after a moment, and quickly poured some soap into his own hand before yours, then rubbed your shoulders and back with it. You sighed happily as he massaged your muscles, trailing all the way down your spine until he reached your hips, where he squeezed. You flinched and spun around, a mischievous glint in your eye as you started rubbing soap on his chest, trailing down until you reached his hardened member. You took your time cleaning him, making sure to rub extra slowly while maintaining eye contact.

You didn't miss the falter in his expression before he tilted his head and swallowed, his throat bobbing. You quickly kissed his exposed neck as you sped up your jerking.

"Y/n," he grunted, locking you between his arms as he placed his hands behind you on the tile, his gaze hazy as it traced the features of your face.

You smiled innocently before pulling your hand away and instead, lining his member up with your soapy thighs as you stood with your legs together. You couldn't help the timid moan that escaped your lips as he fucked them, his hot length rubbing along your sensitive spot.

The water hit L's back and sprayed onto your face, but you kept your eyes shut as his hand slowly trailed down your side until he reached down and gripped behind your knee, swiftly pulling it to his hip. Before you had time to realise, his tip was at your greedy entrance, and you stifled a cry as he rammed himself inside of you.

"L," you spluttered, trails of water slipping down your face. He shut the water off but didn't pull away from you, instead, he slammed his lips against yours in desperation. You moaned and trembled at his hand, and his pace quickened to the point where you forgot where you were and there were stars behind your lids.

If it weren't for L holding you upright, you would've fallen into a crumpled pile on the shower floor.

Your breaths mingled together as he pressed his forehead against yours, his lips so close to yours but the desire wasn't there. Only satisfaction, and you smiled.

He had quite literally, fucked you sober. Your stomach growled and L laughed breathlessly before pulling away and stepping out of the shower. He handed you a towel and you both dried yourselves, both of your minds preoccupied with each other.

"Do you want me to order some pizza?" He said once he'd pulled on some pants. You nodded with a smile.

For the next hour or so, you and L ate pizza and had a deep talk about where you both were in life. This wasn't a rare occurrence, but it was still foreign enough that you both had plenty to talk about.

"I'm glad Light's not in my life," you started, plucking a slice of pepperoni from your pizza and popping it in your mouth, "but of course, I wonder what it would be like if he was still a part of it. He treated me horribly toward the end, and sure, some things he did growing up was a little traumatising. But I think I'll always love him, if not as a lover, as a brother. As an important person in my life."

What you loved most about L, was his lack of judgement. That's why you decided you would open up about your feelings, spread your thoughts out like a deck of cards before him. He didn't even flinch at your words, rather, he picked up the cards and analysed them carefully.

"Of course you're going to think like that Y/n, Light was a key factor in your life for years. Since you could remember. I'm not mad you think about him sometimes, and I wouldn't be mad at you if you texted him saying you wanted to be friends. You've grown since you cut him out of your life, and you're old enough to make your own decisions. I'm just here to support you, what kind of a boyfriend would I be if I made you feel like I wouldn't?" L dusted his hands off into the lid of the pizza box and sat back on the springy couch. He was the epitome of nonchalance, yet he just changed your entire view on him with that casual speech. You felt tears well up in your eyes at his words, but you wiped them away before they spilled down your cheeks.

L was the right one for you. You hadn't known him for as long, but quality versus quantity. He had never disrespected you, he had only been truthful and real with you, and that's what you needed. That's what you wanted.

"Thank you L, I love you. Thank you for being mine."

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