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Flashback - Age 10.5

You wiped your nose with a tissue and stifled a cough as your eyes focused on the video game. You had gotten so good at it that you had mastered the art of playing one-handedly, which was convenient now you were sick.

Besides the fact you got to escape the horrid reality of school and chores, you didn't mind being sick. You were allowed to play video games and eat whatever you wanted, as long as you stayed away from everyone else. That's why no one cared that you'd dragged the television into your room.

You were home alone anyway, so it's not like it inconvenienced anyone else.

A knock sounded from the front door, and you leaned to the side of your bed to glance down the hallway at it. There was a window next to the frame, and a nervous shudder trailed down your spine.

It was Light.

You leaned back up straight and kept playing your game, hoping he'd go away. Instead, his fist pounded against the door again, and you groaned.

You glared down at your pug socks as you shuffled toward him, pulling the door open to reveal a smiley Light with a plate of cookies. When he saw the state you were in, his smile faded, and he looked down at the plate.

"Are you sick?" He said as he played with a small rock on the concrete porch. You stared at him.

"Why are you here?" You croaked, answering his question. His brown eyes flickered up to yours, concern pinching together his brows.

"I was going to come see if you wanted to play in my new tree house."

He side stepped you and walked into your house, heading straight for your bedroom. You shut the door and gaped after him, confused by his actions. 


You coughed as you walked back to your room, eyeing him as he sat on your beanbag in front of the television.

"I'm the best at this game," he bragged, a smug smirk on his face as he peeled the glad wrap off the plate of cookies and shoved half of one in his mouth. You raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Yeah right."

"You're too chicken to verse me," he didn't even look at you when he spoke, but you saw the amusement dancing in his eyes. You sat down on the bed behind him and grabbed the other controller.

You both played for hours that day. He was good at the game, but not as good as you, and you found yourself getting bored by dinner time. You kicked him out and told him you'd see him at school sometime.

He was sniffling when he left that evening.


You'd forgotten to shut your curtains yesterday, and now you paid the price for it. Instead of sleeping in as you had hoped, you found yourself wide awake at seven, your eyes staring out the dirty glass to the quiet sky. You couldn't stop thinking about the embarrassing confrontation with Misa, which was reflected in your curled up position beneath the covers.

To be honest, you hadn't got much sleep that night, and you heard Light come home five hours ago. You didn't know if you were subconsciously waiting for him, or if you just couldn't sleep. Either way, he'd disappeared into his room as fast as he walked through the front door, and you were alone again.

You figured he'd still be asleep, given he'd been drinking and smoking pot, and decided to sneak out and make some breakfast. Your plans consisted of staying in your room all day swallowed by self-pity and college assessments; this would be your only time getting out of bed.

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