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Flashback - Age 16

You and Light had started going to parties lately; he snuck out of his house whereas your parents couldn't care where you were. You both would meet in your front yard before dashing to the car of one of his friends. 

Light could drive; he had his own car too. But you never took his car because he didn't want to wake up his parents when you'd leave. He was graduating this year too, which meant he was going to bigger, more rebellious parties. One time last week you saw someone have a seizure, and another time you watched one of Light's friends get taken away in an ambulance to get his stomach pumped. It was exciting though, and as you got older, you found a lot of people stopped giving you shit, and instead, tried to be your friend. 

Light said it was because older guys are sleazy and the girls don't see you as a threat. But you wanted to feel like they genuinely just thought you were cool. 

You both arrived at the party and headed straight for the free booze. Light always said to take it easy, but tonight you really needed to forget. You downed shot after shot until you couldn't stand up anymore, where you found a couch to lay down on and listen to the music. You had a hand across your eyes when Light came over, but you could smell his cologne. 

"Y/n," Light said, and you could've sworn an angel had just spoken to you, that's how heavenly his voice sounded. The couch dipped and he grabbed your ankles, pulling them over your lap. 

"You're going to be so hungover tomorrow," he said, his voice being taken away into the music. You nodded. 

"Sit up," his hands grabbed your wrists and helped you up, and you groaned at how dizzy you felt. He chuckled when you leaned into him, letting him pet your head. 

"Light," you whined, putting your hand on his chest as you tried to sit in his lap. He let you, holding you there like a baby as you tried to stop the dizzy feeling. He rubbed your back as you tried to sober up with a bottle of water he offered, grateful that he didn't abandon you like he has in the past. After a few minutes, he gets you to stand up and go with him to get some food. 

Once you have a bowl of nuts and another bottle of water, he takes you outside for fresh air. He's still rubbing your back as you lazily look up at the dark sky, admiring the moon and stars, and the hazy clouds that roll over them. 

"I really like you Light," you blurted, no ounce of shame in your words. This was a big reason why you hated drinking, even though it erased all of your stress and made your head empty. You craved the silence sometimes. 

"I know you do," he laughed, pulling you into his side. You smiled and put your head on his shoulder. 

"Do you like me back?" 

"Of course I do." 

You smiled and nodded. After half an hour of just sitting outside, he said he was going to get some more food. You let him leave and sat there on the porch step, still chewing on the beer nuts. A few minutes went by, and he still wasn't back. 

After ten minutes had passed, you decided to go in and check on him. You weaved through the crowd to the food bar and frowned when you saw he wasn't there. Swiftly, you checked the nearby rooms, your heart starts to pound at the idea of being abandoned again. The last time he'd left you at a party, it took you ages to figure out where you were and your phone was flat. You had to stay over until the next day, where Light came back to get you. 

You decided to ask around and see if anyone had seen him. A girl told you she'd seen him and Misa go upstairs about fifteen minutes ago. 


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