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Flashback - Age 11

It was Valentine's day, and you hoped you would get a rose at school because you'd never been given one before. You clutched your backpack tightly on your way to your home class, nerves etched into your every step.

You knew there was a very, very, very slim chance that you would even get one, and you knew you shouldn't get your hopes up. But something was buzzing in the air, and you thought maybe this year it would be different.

You slid into your usual seat and waited for the roses to be handed out. As the two students walked past everyone's desks, you wrung your hands together. The girl two seats in front of you received four roses, and the whole class applauded. You gulped as the students walked closer.

Before walking awkwardly straight passed.

You blinked, reality kicking in. The boy in front of you turned around and looked at your bare desk.

The bell rang shortly after and you got up without a word.

The rest of the day went by as normal, besides the couples being extra couple-y. You were about to make your way to the office to tell the nurse you felt sick to score another day off school, when you heard a familiar voice call out to you.

You turned around with a blank expression and watched as Light ran down the hallway, his backpack bouncing on his back. If you weren't pitying yourself, you could've laughed.

"Here," he said, puffed as he slipped his bag off his shoulder and unzipped it. He pulled out a crinkled rose without the normal clear wrapping, and handed it to you. A few onlookers stopped and smiled at you both.

Your eyes flitted down to his wilted flower, before you gave him a small smile. Gently, you took it from him and brought it to your nose. It still smelled like a rose, despite looking like he'd found it in a trash can.

"Thank you," you mumbled, nodding at him. His eyes creased at the sides as he nodded back. You turned on your heel and kept going toward the office.


You groggily got out of bed and got dressed for another day. Days like today, where you had a full timetable of classes and catch up sessions, were the ones you dreaded the most. Thankfully, L would be with you for all of them.

Wearing a dark hoodie that matched your developing under eyes, you snuck out and met L at his car before heading off to class. Straight away, he knew something was wrong, and continuously checked in on you until you spilled your guts in the lecture hall. In a hushed tone, you described what happened last night, minus the masturbation of course, and he listened intently - his finger pressed to his bottom lip.

"So now, I don't know what's going on between us. I'm nervous it's going to be awkward, or something..." you trailed off, haphazardly scribbling notes as the teacher dotted points on the board.

L was silent for a while before his smooth voice stated simply.

"Well, it sounds like he has feelings for you, Y/n. Maybe just start getting used to the idea of things escalating between you."

You blushed at his words and allowed your hair to fall into your face. You hated talking about Light to L; you weren't entirely sure why, but the idea of them ever meeting or coming into contact was sickening almost. It was almost as if you were going to introduce two friend groups.

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