Chapter 4

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Harry throws a party


Draco isn't in his normal spot when Harry wakes up, so he takes advantage of his morning wood, closing his door with magic and pulling his pants down.

With Draco around, he doesn't take the time to let loose like he used to, only sometimes in the shower. Harry sighs in relief when he gets a hand around himself. He summons his lube, adding it to the equation.

He's just starting to work up to something when he hears a faint scratching at his door. He ignores it at first, but as it only gets louder and doesn't stop, he grunts, pulls back up his pants and wipes his hand on them, getting up.

When he opens the door, Draco is sitting there primly, paw raised and claws out, frozen now that the door is gone.

"Yes?" Harry asks sarcastically. Draco puts his paw back down, meowing up at Harry but not entering.

"Go away, I'm busy." Harry says shortly, gesturing vaguely to his erection. Draco hisses, but turns and leaves, strutting away angrily. Harry hears him going down the stairs, then shuts the door and returns to his business.

Once he's done and out of the shower, he finds Draco licking his paw in the kitchen, steadfastly ignoring Harry.

"Sorry I was short with you earlier, I was preoccupied." Harry explains, not really sure why he needs to justify himself to his cat. Draco meows, but doesn't look at him. "You know you're not supposed to be on the counter, but I'll give you a pass since I was cross."

Draco meows again.

Harry turns his attention to making some breakfast, and after a while, Draco jumps onto Harry's shoulders, his claws scratching Harry's bare skin lightly.

"Ow! Gentle, Draco. Put your claws away." Harry complains.

When Harry sits down on the sofa to eat instead of the kitchen table, he notices the book Malfoy had left out in the bookstore is on the floor instead of where Harry had left it when he put it down.

"Draco? Were you reading this?" Harry asks with a laugh. He picks it up. The bookmark is in the same place as before.

Draco the cat meows, knocking the book out of Harry's hand and taking a spot on his lap, meowing insistently and looking at Harry's eggs.

"I don't know if you can eat eggs." Harry says. "Then again, who knows what an animagus can and can't eat, if you're even Malfoy to begin with."

Draco meows again, and Harry sighs.

"Fine, go ahead." He says, turning the plate so the scrambled eggs are in front of Draco's nose. "Don't eat the sausage, I don't think it'll be good for you."


Harry was woken up mid-scream, and panting, he realised Draco was stepping on his forehead repeatedly, meowing in concern.

"Draco? Sorry, did I wake you up?" Harry asked. He picked the cat up, setting him on his chest instead. "Merlin, I just had the worst dream." Harry sighs. His heart is still pounding, and he kicks the twisted blankets from off his legs.

The flashes of green light still play behind his eyes when he blinks, and he pets Draco's fuzzy back absently as he catches his breath. Draco seems fine with curling up on Harry's chest, contentedly purring.

"You know, when 'Mione had Crookshanks at school, she was always talking about a cat's purrs accelerating physical healing somehow, like hidden magic in a muggle animal." Harry huffs a little, and Draco lifts his head as the sudden movement jostles him.

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