Chapter 14

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Soft things... well, mostly


Draco was dozing still when Harry woke up. After some time when it appeared Draco wasn't waking up soon, he slipped out of bed and checked to see if the even breathing continued.

When he confirmed that he hadn't woken his boyfriend, Harry went to the exercise room to work up a sweat before breakfast. He prefers to cook with Draco around making comments about whatever popped into his head, cooking alone is far too quiet now.

Harry was still in just his pants, and after a sprint on the moving floor, he started a set of pull ups with weights tied around his middle.

That's how Draco found him, though Harry noticed him coming down the hall before Draco saw Harry. He was rubbing his eyes sleepily, mid-yawn when he looked up and froze in place.

"Morning, pet." Harry grunted as he pulled himself up, continuing while Draco stared. It really is excellent motivation, showing off like this.

"Holy fuck ." Draco whined after a moment, sagging against the doorway. His hand reaches up to grasp at the collar. Harry watches with a smug grin as Draco's cock hardens very quickly, visible in his pants.

"Wanna get on my back again while I do push ups?" Harry smirks, and Draco flushes.

"I'm too heavy like this."

"No you're not." Harry says, dropping to his feet. He removes the weights and turns his back to Draco. "Come here."

Harry directs Draco to wrap his arms around his shoulders, then takes the plank position like before. Draco presses his face into the nape of Harry's neck with a whimper.

"You okay?" Harry asks with a laugh. He starts a set, and feels Draco's tongue licking at his skin.

" So hot ." Draco whispers, then nibbles at Harry's skin.

"This is a good incentive for me to exercise regularly." Harry grunts, Draco's weight making it difficult to push back up again. But he manages half a set still, which seems to do the trick impressing Draco.

Harry pushes himself and Draco back upright again, and taps Draco's hands to release his shoulders when they don't let go automatically.

Draco steps away, slumping against the wall.

Harry takes a long drink, then turns to face Draco again.

"Are you done?" Draco asks, voice scratchy and weak.

"I guess so, I usually do squats too but I'm hungry." Harry says with a shrug.

"You want to eat breakfast or shower first?"

"Shower." Harry says, wiping off his face. When he moves the towel away from his eyes, Draco is right in front of him.

"Any objections to fucking me senseless before you do?" He whispers. Harry grins.

"None whatsoever."

Draco shifts into cat form and jumps onto Harry's shoulders, licking at his neck again, and Harry tosses him gently onto the bed once they arrive. When he shifts back, he's already hard and breathing heavily.

"Don't you dare hold back." Draco says as Harry strips off his pants. Harry growls, and it makes Draco shiver and whine.

Harry manhandles Draco how he wants him, pinning his hands above his head and biting roughly at his throat. Draco's hips lift up to press into Harry's, but it can't be much help.

When Draco is panting and whimpering, Harry flips him onto his stomach, palming his arse. Harry licks at the back of his neck where the collar sits, and gooseflesh breaks out all over Draco's back and shoulders.

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