Chapter 9

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Harry and Draco have a lovely morning in


Harry woke slowly, realizing gradually that there's another weight in his bed, one heavier than Draco's fuzzy little body. Still groggy, he reaches out, pulling his bedmate closer to steal some warmth.

His hand comes in contact with a bare stomach, and he frowns, not remembering having bed anyone the night before.

He opens his eyes a crack, shocked to see the figure beside him is decidedly naked and very much not Draco the cat.

"Circe fucking Merlin's arse!" He yells, sitting up with a jolt.

The man suddenly opens his eyes at the shout, and Harry scrambles for his glasses on the nightstand. The blurry face is familiar, but without his glasses, Harry is far too blind to be sure.

While he's looking for the frames, a sudden weight lands across his lap. Malfoy has jumped on him, grabbing his wrists and holding them back with a strangled 'No!'

Harry grunts in surprise, trying not to think too hard about the warm body pressed against his.

"Malfoy!" Harry asks, squinting. "I knew it was you!"

"Yes, obviously!" Malfoy says, voice sort of crackly from sleep and disuse.

"Bugger off, I'm just getting my glasses." Harry says, realizing Malfoy probably thinks he was about to get his wand, which is also on the nightstand.

"Oh." Malfoy says, moving back slowly. Harry huffs, shoving his glasses onto his face to look at the face across the bed.

He finds with a surprising zing of desire that the pale pink collar still sits on Malfoy's throat. The charm had worked, then. He also notes that Malfoy's hair has gotten quite long and rather shaggy, falling into his eyes.

"Are you naked?" Harry asks, reaching to lift the blankets. Malfoy slaps his hand down over them.

"Why are you looking?" He hisses.

"I- I have no idea. Care to explain yourself?" Harry says, flushing bright red and getting out of bed.

Malfoy sits up and scrubs a hand through his pale hair.

"I was supposed to be awake before you."

"What?" Harry asks dumbly.

Malfoy is still half under the blankets, his knees bent and his other hand resting where his feet probably are, overall slouchy in sort of a cat-like way. If he looked, Harry would see his arse where the blankets failed to wrap around his back.

"Sometimes I shift back in my sleep." Malfoy explains, rubbing his hand over his face. "But usually I wake up before you do, so I can change back before you see me."

"Right, well that doesn't explain why you're still here. I told you they recalled the warrant out for you, it's been months since the announcement. You read the paper." Harry points out.

Malfoy blushes slightly.

"I don't know, I just... It's just... it's nice, being here. I hated living in the Manor. I didn't want to go back." Malfoy admits.

"You could've just asked me to move in. This is a large house, you wouldn't even have to stay in this room if you didn't want to." Malfoy frowns like he hadn't considered that option. "Or you could've rented your own bloody flat, no one is forcing you to live at the Manor." Harry says.

"I can't get a muggle flat without a muggle bank account, and I need an address to get a bank account. They didn't accept 'Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire.' Wizard landlords hang up when they hear my name. You wouldn't've kicked me out? Neville either?"

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