Chapter 10

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Harry and Draco go on a proper date


Harry and Draco have a lot to talk about, but they don't get around to most of it that first day.

Draco excitedly tells Harry about the next novel on the list Celeste still has in the store, and how perfectly it suits Harry's book standards.

Once Harry showers, he comes out of the bathroom to find Draco has tidied the bedroom and realises with a jolt that despite the fact that Harry never makes his bed, it's nearly always made. It makes him wonder what else Draco's been up to around the house secretly that Harry hasn't noticed.

They take a long walk around muggle London, dipping inside every shop that looks even remotely interesting and poking about at the goods, joking easily and making future plans. They don't have to say aloud that they'll be together then, they just know.

And Harry's never felt less anxious in his life.

"You know, Hermione works in the wix documentation service, she can make official documents saying you've been in a coma for this whole time, Celeste mentioned a while back that it could excuse your absence."

"I'm still undecided about whether or not I'll go back there at all. I mean, obviously I will, if for no other reason than to see Celeste and apologize, but... I don't want the Ministry to keep tracking me."

Harry frowns.

"I can ask around, if you'd like. Make a donation that would ensure whatever documentation on your whereabouts is mysteriously misplaced."

Draco huffs a laugh, slipping his hand into Harry's.

"I appreciate that, really, but I don't need you to fight my battles for me."

Harry rolls his eyes. Honestly, everyone around him is so against free help.

"It's hardly 'fighting a battle,' I just have to pop by one or two offices and it's taken care of. But if you don't want me to, I'll stay out of it."

Draco squeezes Harry's hand and points out a glass sculpture in the fancy art gallery they're perusing, mentioning how closely it resembles a cock. Harry snorts.

"Oh! Ron and Hermione!" Draco exclaims as soon as they've stepped back onto the street. "Are you going to tell them?"

Harry feels a wide grin form on his face.

"They've been such smug bastards ever since your name was cleared and you didn't turn into you."

"I've got an idea, how well can you lie?" Draco asks with a gleam in his pale eyes. Harry snorts.

Once the plans are laid, Harry drags Draco in the direction of the South Bank of the Thames.

"Where are we going?" Draco asks huffily as they speed walk down the busy street.

"You'll see."

Draco picks up on it quickly, staring up at the huge wheel as they grew closer.

"Not the Eye?" He gapes.

"Have you been before?"

"Never, I found out about it a few years ago from Celeste. We were going to make a trip but the queues were too long so we ended up getting drunk instead."

Harry snorts.

"Marvelous. Well, we'll go now. I've been with my friends several times, you'll love it."

"But the queues!" Draco protests. "There's always so many people there, especially on a Friday!"

Harry gives Draco a wink, tugging him along faster.

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