Chapter 15

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Draco reveals some juicy tidbits


"You know." Draco begins vaguely, elbows deep in a barrel of various wrapped candies. "I get why pets are like that."


Draco pauses, considering, before he withdraws his hands to lean against the counter as he talks.

"Man's best friend." He says, and Harry shakes his head, not understanding any more than before.

"-is a dog. What are you talking about?"

"The point carries. Pets... they... see, you don't interact with a pet like you do a person. Right? You only talk to them nicely unless they've gotten in trouble, you shower them with affection and you feed them. Pets may not understand what you're saying, but they understand you love them."

"Alright..." Harry says, raising an eyebrow and waiting for Draco to get around to his point.

"I think that's how I fell in love with you. Initially, at least."

"Because you were my pet?"

"Yeah. S- Sort of." Draco brushes his hair back, and Harry waits for him to gather his thoughts. "You only feel... loved. It's hard to feel loved and not start loving back, you know?"

"So you're saying I'm a really great pet owner." Harry says with a smile. Draco rolls his eyes.

" No, you git. I'm saying... Merlin, I don't know what I'm saying. Remember my birthday?"

"Of course."

"How did you know it was my birthday?"

"No idea, I just did."

"That's very embarrassing for you. I only know yours because it's practically a national holiday. Either way, I felt so very loved that day. You bought me a candle!" Draco exclaims.

"Is that your standard of party? Thought you were a rich kid with lavish galas every year." Harry says blandly.

"I haven't celebrated my birthday at all since before the war. Last time I actually had a party was when I turned fourteen." Draco says. Harry frowns.

"That sucks."

"I guess. Not really what I'm getting at, here."

"You licked my face." Harry recalls. "And slept on my chest. Wait, did you shift back that night? Did you sleep on me naked and I missed it?" Harry asks in shock.

"You're getting sidetracked!" Draco complains, though his pinkened face indicates Harry's answer.

"Get to the point, pet, I have no idea what you're trying to tell me." Harry says fondly. Draco sighs.

"I don't know either. Guess that's it, really."

"Pets feel very loved?" Harry summarizes.

" I felt very loved." Draco corrects. "Because I am your pet, and because you were nicer to me than anyone's been in a really long time."

"That's really sad." Harry frowns, putting his hands on Draco's little waist. "Celeste is nice to you."

"Celeste is nice to everyone."

" I'm nice to everyone."

"Not really. You've been a bit of a recluse since you quit the aurors."

Harry snorts.

"How would you know?"

"Because Ron mentioned it, and because you stopped shaving a month after you found the book shop, which was right around when you quit."

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